This information applies only to the Ultra Course View.

You can create content that combines a variety of materials to view together, such as text, multimedia, and attachments.

You can create a document or content item out of a combination of visual or textual elements. A document can be as simple as a single line of text or a combination of elements. 

For example, as a single document, you can include introductory text for a lesson, an image for your students to view and interact with, and links to web resources. The materials are all presented together in the content list. The longer your content item is, the more your students have to scroll to see all the other materials in the content area.

Documents are created with a variety of block types. There are many options for content design and you have control over a variety of visual elements. 

Full view of an enhanced Document with blocks filled with text and images

Access to Documents is determined by course roles. The following course roles have the privilege to edit a Document:

  • Course/Organization (Content Areas) > Edit Materials

The following course roles have the privilege to add, edit, or delete Knowledge Checks within a Document:

  • Course/Organization Control Panel (Tools) > Tests, Surveys, and Pools > Tests
  • Course/Organization Control Panel (Tools) > Tests, Surveys, and Pools > Tests > Build Test
  • Course/Organization Control Panel (Tools) > Tests, Surveys, and Pools > Tests > Delete Test

On this page, learn about: 

Watch a video about Create a Document

The following narrated video provides a visual and auditory representation of some of the information included on this page. For a detailed description of what is portrayed in the video, open the video on Vimeo, navigate to More actions, and select Open transcript.

Video: Create Document


Create a Document

On the Course Content page, you can create a document or page to present a combination of content. For example, you can include introductory text for a lesson, an audio file of a lecture, and an image. When students select the document title, the materials you added are all presented together on one page. Students see the content just as you see it, without the editing options.

Select the plus sign wherever you want to add a document. In the menu, select Create to open the Create Item panel and select Document. The New Document page opens.

You can also expand or create a folder or learning module and add a document.

Course Content page, with the Create Item dropdown open

Knowledge Checks in Blackboard Documents

The following narrated video provides a visual and auditory representation of some of the information included on this page. For a detailed description of what is portrayed in the video, open the video on Vimeo, navigate to More actions, and select Open transcript.

Video: Knowledge Checks in Blackboard Documents



Add content

You can design Documents by selecting from a variety of block types. 

Block options for a document, including Content, HTML, Knowledge check, File upload, Cloud upload, Content Collection, Image, Audio/Video, and Convert a file
  • Content block 
    Add content via the content editor.
  • HTML block 
    Add content via HTML or CSS in the Document. 
    Note: An administrator must configure an alternate domain for the HTML block to appear. Learn more about setting up an alternate domain.
  • Knowledge check block
    Add a knowledge check. Knowledge checks test student comprehension of a document by asking a multiple choice or multiple answer question. Knowledge checks include:
    • Feedback: You can pre-populate correct and incorrect answer feedback
    • Student interaction: Students receive immediate feedback on whether their answer is correct or incorrect. Knowledge checks allow unlimited attempts.
    • Metrics: You have access to detailed metrics about how students are engaging with the knowledge check.
  • File upload block 
    Browse for files on the local machine to upload to the Document. 
    Note: Administrators can define the maximum size of a file that users can upload.
  • Cloud upload block 
    Login to a cloud service and select a file to add into the Document.
  • Content Collection block 
    Browse the Content Collection and select a file to add to the Document.
  • Image block
    Add an image. You can upload an image from your device. If your institution uses the AI Design Assistant feature, you can also generate images or choose stock images from Unsplash.
  • Audio/Video block
    Record camera, audio, screen, or audio & screen. You can also upload a video or audio file from your device.
  • Convert a file block 
    Browse for files on your local machine. Once selected, the system converts the file into the Document format. Supported file types include PDF, PowerPoint (ppt, pptx, pps), and Word (doc, docx, odt). Converted content should be reviewed for accuracy.
    Note: In this release, the option to convert a file is only available in the main authoring space. In the Add Content panel (the + menu), the option to convert a file doesn’t appear. We'll change this in an upcoming release. 

You can also open the left panel by selecting the + and choosing the desired block. 

You can also use the editor to embed images and attach files along with your text. To use your keyboard to jump to the editor toolbar, press ALT + F10. On a Mac, press Fn + ALT + F10. Use the arrow keys to select an option, such as a numbered list.

Document menu bar

The menu bar remains in view as you scroll the Document to view, add, or edit content. The menu bar contains the Edit option when in the view state. After selecting Edit, the menu bar displays the following options: 

  • Edit
  • Add Blocks
  • Undo/Redo
  • Cancel
  • Save 
A document with the + icon to add a new block displayed

Resizing and moving blocks 

You can create appealing layouts by resizing and dragging/dropping blocks into columns and rows. 

  • Each row includes a menu with options to move or delete the block.
  • Each block includes a menu with options to edit, move, or resize, or delete the block. 

If you create columns, they will turn into rows in the mobile view. The columns will collapse into rows from left to right.

Movement options expanded in a document

Auto-generate images

If your institution has turned on the AI Design Assistant Feature, you can directly insert AI-generated or stock images into the text editor by selecting the Image button. View the "AI Design Assistant" topic to learn more about the feature.

When you use Unsplash, the search terms will be autopopulated from your text. You can select the X button and use your own search terms if you’d prefer.

The Insert Image popup options for Unsplash

With the AI Design Assistant, you can generate an image to insert into your text. Enter a description for your image and then select Generate.

The Insert Image panel, with an image of a mansion generated from the prompt 'ominous mansion'

Students can only upload images and can’t generate images or use Unsplash.

Adjust image appearance

After you’ve chosen an image to insert, select Next. You can now customize how the image appears in the text.

Image of the Aspect Ratio and zoom options on the Insert Image panel

You can choose an aspect ratio for the image. You can keep the original aspect ratio, or convert it to a landscape or portrait display. The white grid lines show you what part of the original image will be displayed on screens.

You also have the option to adjust the slider to zoom in or out, and you can select and drag the grid lines to change the focus.

Select Next when you’re ready to insert the image.

Image of the Edit File Options panel, showing the Accessibility and File Options

You’re required to enter a display name. We recommend also adding alt text, to make the image accessible to users with screen readers.

By default, users can view and download the image. If you select Download only for the image, a placeholder will display on user screens until users download the image.

Image of the Placeholder symbol with the display name of the image

Document visibility

  • Show or hide the document. Students can't see a document until you choose to show it. You can create all your content ahead of time and choose what you want students to see based on your schedule. You can also set availability conditions based on date, time, and performance on other items in the course gradebook. On the Course Content page, students can see when the document is set to be available.

Document settings

  • Allow class conversations. What if your students have questions? You can allow conversations within a document, and anyone can contribute. Select Settings to open the Document Settings panel and select the conversations check box. As the conversation develops, it appears only with the document.

    More on conversations

  • Add goals and standards. You and your institution can use goals to measure student achievement across programs and curricula. When you create a document, you can align one or multiple goals. In the document, select Settings. Select Align with goals to search for available goals to align with the document. Students won't be able to see the goals you align with a document.

    More on how to align goals with course content

  • Add an optional description. The description appears with the document title on the Course Content page. This is where you can provide students with more information about the document or give additional instructions.  

    The maximum length of a description is 750 characters.

Image of Document Settings panel with example text typed in Description field

Word count in the editor

As you enter text in the editor, the word count appears below the editor. After you save, the word count no longer appears.

These items are included in the word count:

  • Individual words
  • Web links
  • Text in bulleted or numbered lists, but the bullets or numbers themselves aren't included
  • Superscript and subscript text not part of another word

These items and formatting elements don't affect the word count:

  • Images, videos, and file attachments
  • Math formulas
  • Blank spaces and lines
  • Alternative text

When you use punctuation to attach words or numbers, the count is affected. For example, "We went...without you" is counted as three words. The words or numbers on either side of the punctuation are counted as one word.


Add custom HTML or CSS

In Ultra Course View, when you enable an alternate domain for your site, you can now use custom HTML or CSS in a document.  Select Add HTML as a new block to embed an inline third-party HTML editor in the document. You can write or paste HTML code into the editor and select Save. The encoded HTML will be sent to Learn within BbML for persistence. The HTML will be denoted in the BbML with a new data-bbtype. If you load previously created BbML containing HTML in read-only mode, the HTML will be loaded from a separate domain in an iframe.

A new CodeEditor package handles all of the imports required by the third-party editor and standardizes the editor configurations. The package will otherwise simply wrap the editor's method for injecting itself into a DOM element. Directives and plugins that embed the editor on the page will depend on the package.


Ultra Accessibility Checker (Powered by Ally)

Accessible content ensures inclusivity and meaningful engagement for diverse learners. To create accessible content in your documents, you can use the Ultra Accessibility Checker (Powered by Ally).  

The Ultra Accessibility Checker scans content in the rich content editor for documents to identify accessibility issues. It offers explanations about these issues and offers quick fixes to address them, making your content accessible.  

Ally is a licensable product that is integrated into a Learning Management System to enhance accessibility for you and your students. The Ultra Accessibility Checked capability is built into Learn Ultra. You institution does not need a license for Ally to use the Ultra Accessibility Checker.  

More on Ultra Accessibility Checker (Powered by Ally) 

Instructor view - Ultra Document content editor with Score Gauge indicator

Edit, reorder, and delete Documents

You can make changes to existing documents and change where they appear on your Course Content page. Select the row of the document you wish to move and drag it to a new location. You can also move a document into an expanded folder.

Image of Course Content item with tab box surrounding Move icon

You can use your keyboard to move a document.

  1. Tab to an item's Move button.
  2. Press Enter to activate move mode.
  3. Use the arrow keys to choose a location.
  4. Press Enter to drop the item in the new location.

In a document's row, open the menu to select Edit or Delete.

Image of Course Content item with box surrounding edit and delete icon

Delete Documents

You can delete a document from your course or hide it from students to preserve the information. Students can't access hidden documents on the Course Content page.

Edit Documents and media files

Based on the document element, you can move, edit, delete, or download it.

Open an element's menu to access the options. Select the Move button to move an element to a new location on the document page.

Select the plus sign wherever you want to add another file or text block on the document page.

Media viewing options

If your browser allows inline media files, the media files you add to Documents appear inline by default. Otherwise, they appear as an attachment.

Images that display inline are embedded in a 768-pixel block at the biggest breakpoints. The closer to that size the images are, the less padding appears around them.

You can also add alternative text to describe the images you add. Alternative text is read aloud by screen readers and helps describe what some users can't see.

You can edit the file's settings, including the display name, alternative text, and display behavior. Choose whether to insert the file as a link in the editor or to embed the file directly so it appears inline with other content you've added. To edit the file's alternative text or display behavior, select the file in the editor and then select Edit Attachment.

In most browsers, you can select where the files that you open in courses are downloaded. For example, in Chrome, go to Settings > Advanced > Downloads. You can select the location for file downloads and choose if you want the browser to ask each time. In Safari, you have the same capabilities. Go to Preferences > General > File download location. You can perform an internet search to learn about file download choices in other browsers.

Add audio and video with Video Studio

Video Studio is an audio/video tool to help you create a more engaging learning experience for students. The lightweight and deeply integrated solution gives users the ability to record or upload audio and video recordings within enhanced Documents.

For details about Video Studio, visit the Video Studio Help topic for instructors.

System administrators can find information for settings and configuration on the Video Studio page for Administrators.

Instructor getting ready to record a video

Understand what happens during copy and import

You can import a course or copy all the content from one of your courses on the system into another course. The new content is added to the end of the content list of the course you're in.

When copying a document with a knowledge check from the Admin panel, the whole course must be copied. Granular copy for knowledge checks is not supported from the Admin panel, but you can make granular copies from within your course.

More on importing content

More on copying a course or copying content from other Ultra courses

When you import Original content or choose to preview your Original course in the Ultra Course View, content items are converted to Documents. All text, attachments, and links that you added in the editor are converted and media files will open inline by default. Files that you added as attachments in the section after the Original editor are grouped together in alphabetical order at the end of the document. Media files will open inline by default. You can edit images, video, and audio files to change the default and change any file's title. Students will need to download some file types to view them.

More on Original content items

Review the document as you may see some loss of formatting during the conversion process. For example, if you added a title for one of your files in the Original Course View, the title may not appear in Ultra. You can edit the file to change the file name. You can reorder the items in the document as needed.