The Grade Export feature can be set up to import files to provision new grade items.

Configure the Incoming Settings for Grade Export

  1. Sign in to Blackboard Learn with a user account with system admin privileges.
  2. Access the Admin Panel.
  3. Select Platform Extensions under Cloud Management.
  4. Choose Edit Settings from the context menu for Grade Export V1.
    "Edit Settings" on the Grade Export V1 context menu
  5. Be sure the Grade Export Availability toggle is enabled. You will see a Grades Journey Features toggle that is not enabled; the text contains more information about the Grades Journey extension that is available with a paid engagement.
  6. Select the Incoming Settings tab.
    "Incoming Settings" tab

Schedule Job

Set Job Status Select Enabled for the job to run on the configured CRON schedule. (We recommend that you leave this set to Disabled during initial configuration.)
CRON Schedule

Enter a CRON to determine the frequency of the job.

Example: 0 0 2 1 / 1 * ? *  (every day at 2:00 am)

Provisioning Content Area Choose the default folder where the gradable items will be created (unless overwritten in the transaction).
Content Item Provisioning Check

Defines the matching rule for provisioned content items.

  • No Restriction: Always adds items from the feed as new content items.
  • One-time Only: Adds any given item only once.
  • Update Matches By Name: Adds item on first pass and updates match by content item title during subsequent imports.
Grade Column Provisioning Check

Defines the matching rule for provisional manual grade columns or grade columns created through the provisioned content items.

  • No Restriction: Always adds items from the feed as a new grade column item.
  • Update Matches By Name: Adds items on first pass and updates them based on match by content item title during subsequent imports.
REST key (Ultra only) Key used for Learn REST calls for Ultra. This is needed when creating items for Ultra courses and can be retrieved from the developer portal.
REST secret (Ultra only) Secret used for Learn REST calls for Ultra. This is needed when creating items for Ultra courses and can be retrieved from the developer portal.

Rest Security Settings

Enabled OAuth Security If Yes, use the OAuth Key and Secret above the Settings tab area.
IP Filter Specify a semicolon (;) delimited list of IP addresses that will have access to the API. A blank entry will allow all IP addresses to access the API.
Include extended data during the course copy process Select Yes to include extended data from the source course into the target course when you are copying the course.

Source Transfer Settings

Transfer Protocol Set to SFTP.
Server Enter the URL or IP of the SFTP server.
Port Enter the SFTP server port (typically 22).
Username Enter the SFTP username.
Password Enter the SFTP password.
Path Enter the path for the input file.

File Format

Field Delimiter The field delimiter of the incoming file. An example is a pipe ( | ).
Field Qualifier The field qualifier of the incoming file. An example is a double quote ( " ).
Format for date column The formatting for any date fields included in the incoming file. Uses Java SimpleDateFormat.
Course Filter Mask A regular expression to match the courses that should have their data processed. Leave this field blank to process all courses.

Grade Column Settings

Make Grade Columns visible to Students? Check if the column should be automatically visible to students.
Include Grade Columns in Calculations? Check if the column should be included in the calculation of calculated columns.
Use running total in calculations If creating a calculated column, check if it should be created as a running total. A running total only includes items that have grades or attempts.
Hide the default total and weighted total columns (Classic Only)? Check if the default total and weight total columns should be hidden from the instructor view.

Click Submit to save your settings.