Recording Creation
The Create Recording feature leverages native web browser support for the WebRTC standard to create audio and video recordings directly from the browser without plug-ins or additional software. An instructor or grader can create personalized feedback recordings for individual assessment attempts or manual gradebook items.
More on instructor feedback recordings
Enable the Create Recording feature
Your Blackboard Learn instance needs to be connected to Cloud Services for access to the Recording Creation tool. Select your region on the Cloud Connector page.
The feature is made available automatically when the recording service becomes available in your region. Administrators can disable the feature in Admin Panel > Building Blocks > Installed Tools > Recording Creation > Settings.
If the service is currently available in your region, the option to turn the feature off or on will be presented. Otherwise, a message will appear that the service is not available. If the feature is turned off, previously-created recordings can still be accessed by users, but new ones can’t be created.
This capability to record from computer is reliant on a technology called WebRTC. This is presently supported on Chrome and Firefox desktop browsers. Additional browser and device support is expected in the future. Users of other browsers or mobile versions of these browsers can play recordings but cannot create recordings. No plug-ins are required for playback. On Chrome and Firefox, recordings can be played back immediately. For other supported browsers, recordings with video will transcode the first time it is played—a message will display to users while they wait.
Creating or playing back feedback isn’t supported in the Blackboard App.