Each top level directory in the Content Collection, such as /users and /courses, is associated with a document store. Administrators can manage the configuration settings of each document store.

Set up document stores

The Manage Document Stores page displays the locations and details of document stores in the system. Each top level directory in the Content Collection, such as /users and /courses, is associated with a document store. Administrators can manage the configuration settings of each document store, including the following:

  • JDBC Settings
  • Storage and temporary storage location and settings
  • Deletion audit trail settings and reports
  1. On the Administrator Panel, under Content Management, select Technical Settings.
  2. Select Document Stores. The following table describes the available tasks that are performed by selecting one of the options in the menu for the document store.
    To... Select...
    set the JDBC properties JDBC Settings. The JDBC Settings page appears.
    change the location of the document store Temporary Storage Settings. The Storage Settings page appears.
    set up the temporary storage location for the document store Temporary Storage Settings. The Temporary Storage Settings page appears.
    generate a report of items that have been deleted from the document store Deletion Audit Trail Report. The Deletion Audit Trial Report page appears.
    set the number of days deleted items will be tracked Deletion Audit Trail Settings. The Audit Trail Settings page appears.
  3. Select Submit.

Administrators have the option of setting up a temporary storage location for a document store. This duplicate set of data may be used for disaster recovery. In this scenario, a combination of the database backup and this temporary file location, will keep the system almost completely up to date in the event of a disaster. This backup location can be set up in either the database or in an external storage location. It cannot be the same as the main storage location.

Change the physical location of the Content Collection storage directories

To change the physical location of the Content Collection storage directories, follow these steps:

  1. In the bb-config.properties file, provide the location of the Content Collection files for the document store. To learn more, see bb-config.properties File.
  2. Run the PushConfigUpdates command-line tool to activate the changes. To learn more, see PushConfigUpdates.

Configure temporary storage settings

  1. On the Administrator Panel, under Content Management, select Technical Settings.
  2. Select Document Stores.
  3. In the menu for the document store, select Temporary Storage Settings. This table describes the available fields.
    Field Description
    Temporary Storage Location
    Windows Temporary Storage Location Provide the path to the temporary storage location.
    Temporary Storage Settings
    Temporary Storage Period Select Never and files will remain in the temporary location indefinitely. Select the Delete in x days option to keep files in the temporary storage location for a specific period of time.

Recover deleted items

If a user removes an item from the Content Collection, the item will be stored in the temporary storage location for the selected temporary storage period. Administrators can use the deletion audit trail report to find the exact path to the item in the temporary storage location. Once the item is located, administrators can email it to the user.

If the amount of time in the temporary storage period has passed, administrators must search for the item in a database backup.

Generate a Deletion Audit Trail Report

The Deletion Audit Trail Report page allows administrators to generate a report of data that has been deleted by users from a specific sub-directory in the Content Collection. This data is used in selective file recovery to retrieve a single file that was deleted from the Content Collection from a backup. This data is only available for as long as it is stored in the Audit Trail Settings.

  1. On the Administrator Panel, under Content Management, select Technical Settings.
  2. Select Document Stores.
  3. In the menu for the document store, select Deletion Audit Trail Report. The following table describes the available fields.
  4. Select Submit.
    Field Description
    Deletion Audit Trail Report
    Top-Level Directory name The top-level directory name appears here.
    Sub-Directory Path Provide the path to the sub-directory from which to generate a report.
    From Date Provide the date on which the report should begin. Use the MM/DD/YY format.
    To Date Provide the date on which the report should end. Use the MM/DD/YY format.

JDBC settings

Administrators can customize the Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) settings for each document store. JDBC is a Java standard that allows for Java applications such as the Content Collection to connect to databases. The Content Collection reads information from and writes to the database using groups connections, also referred to as "pools" of connections. An item, or connection in a pool, allows a Java thread to use database resources. Each request for data from end users usually consumes one item from the pool. However, there is not a one-to-one relationship between user requests and number of required connections. When the request is completed, the connection is freed up for another user.

If there are more database requests than available connections, the requests wait in a queue until a database connection is available.

Heavy usage of the Content Collection typically requires increasing the maximum connection pool size. This allows the database to process more requests simultaneously. However, making the maximum pool size too large may degrade the performance of the database due to the additional CPU and memory requirements. Decreasing the maximum pool size reduces the load on the database, but if it is too small, user requests might take longer to process because they would wait longer in a queue until connections are freed.

Your institution may have unique usage patterns for each document store. For example, if users heavily use the virtual hard drive but do not use the courses area, consider increasing the maximum connections for the /users document store, and decreasing this setting for the /courses document store.

Configure JDBC settings

  1. On the Administrator Panel, under Content Management, select Technical Settings.
  2. Select Document Stores.
  3. In the menu for the document store, select JDBC Settings. This table describes the available fields.
    JDBC Settings
    Field Description
    JDBC Settings
    Connection Expiration Occasionally, a connection will remain open but unusable. This is sometimes referred to a "hung Java connection." Automatically expiring all open connections ensures that hung connections eventually close. Provide the number of minutes a database connection will remain open before the system automatically closes it. New connections are created when needed, up to the maximum connections setting.
    Maximum Connections Provide the maximum number of connections that can exist in the connection pool. If this number is too high, performance may decrease because the database server consumes more resources. If it is too low, requests may take longer to process because they might wait in a queue until a connection becomes available.
    Minimum Connections Provide a minimum for the size of the database connection pool.
    Dead Connection Timeout Period Provide the number of seconds before a dead connection will time out and be removed from the pool. A dead connection is one that is not sending any activity between the database and the Content Collection.
  4. Select Submit.