Prevent students from earning full credit when selecting all answers choices on a multi-select question with partial credit – 3900.80
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors
Multi-select questions require students to select multiple correct answers from a list. This variation of a multiple choice question encourages critical thinking. Some instructors may award partial credit to students on these types of questions. Partial credit promotes a fairer and more accurate assessment of students' knowledge.
In the past, students received full credit when selecting all answer choices for a multi-select question with partial credit. This happened because there was no penalty or negative credit applied for wrong answer choices.
Now, when an instructor designs a multi-select question and allows partial and negative credit, the negative credit auto-distributes across wrong answer choices. An instructor can remove or edit the negative credit if desired.
Image 1: Partial and negative credit auto-distributed across correct and incorrect answer choices for a multi-select question
For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed.