DirectSubmit allows you to add quickly add resources to the institutional database that aren't already available in SafeAssign. You can also use it as a private library of content you believe students might copy from, or to submit content on behalf of a student for originality testing. 

More on SafeAssign Supported File Types

Watch a video about SafeAssign Direct Submit

The following narrated video provides a visual and auditory representation of some of the information included on this page. For a detailed description of what is portrayed in the video, open the video on YouTube, navigate to More actions, and select Open transcript.

Video: SafeAssign Direct Submit

Ultra: Submit content for processing

Users, such as instructors, teaching assistants, or graders, must have the Create and Manage SafeAssignments privilege to access DirectSubmit.

  1. From the Content page of a course, under Details & Actions, select View course & institution tools.
  2.  Under Instructor tools, select SafeAssign
Access SafeAssign Direct Submit from Books & Course Tools
  1. Choose how to submit your content:
    • Upload file: Drag and drop a file or browse to a file on your device. Use a ZIP file to upload multiple resources at a time. 
    • Copy/paste text: Enter a title and paste your text into the Text box. 
  2. Select upload options:
    • Check for plagiarism: Processes the submission and generates the Originality Report.  When turned off, the submission is processed but a report isn't generated.

      Turn this option off when you don't require a report but want to compare all future student submissions against the uploaded resources.

    • Add to institutional database: When turned on, submissions are added to the institutional database.  
    • Share:  When selected, others with appropriate grading privileges can access this submission from this course. If private, only you can access it from any course. 
Upload options
  1. Select Submit. You return to the SafeAssign page where you can monitor the processing. When complete, you can view the Originality Report. 

Ultra: View SafeAssign submissions for a course

From the SafeAssign page, you can view all your SafeAssign submissions and any shared by other instructors. Filter and sort the list as needed. Select the SafeAssign Originality Report button to open the report for a submission. 

More on the SafeAssign Originality Report

Direct Submit page

Original: Submit content for processing

  1. On the Control Panel, expand the Course Tools section and select SafeAssign.
  2. Select DirectSubmit. A list of folders and papers appears. This list includes content already uploaded through DirectSubmit. We recommend not deleting files from DirectSubmit because this deletes them from the institutional database of existing materials.
  3. Navigate to a folder where you want to upload the paper or ZIP file.
  4. Select Submit a Paper.

    If you receive an error that you aren't logged in, check your browser settings. Your browser settings should allow third party cookies and website data.

  5. Select Upload File and browse for a file.  Or, select Copy/Paste Document and add the content's text in the box.
  6. Select the upload options:
    • Submit as Draft: SafeAssign reports are generated, but the content isn't added to the institutional database and isn't used to check other submissions.
    • Skip Plagiarism Checking: Adds content to the institutional database without checking for content copied from other sources. Use this option to upload materials from an earlier course to ensure that current students aren't reusing work.
  7. Select Submit.

Original: View SafeAssign submissions in shared and private folders

In Original view, DirectSubmit shared folders are viewable by anyone with access to the DirectSubmit tool through your course. With shared folders, multiple instructors and teaching assistants can view submissions related to a course.

You can also use private folders to manage submitted content. Your private folders follow you and are available in any course where you have instructor-level privileges.

More on SafeAssign Originality Report