See details about how content on your site is performing and evolving. You can export Ally CSV reports by year, by month, by domains, and for individual domains.

An Export button is available on these report pages:

  • Overview tab: Download the domains, months, and years reports.
  • Domains tab: Download the domains, months, and years reports.

    If you are using Ally for Web Community Manager, Ally shows you sections instead of domains. To learn more, see Accessibility report in Ally for Web Community Manager.

  • Individual domain: Download a report for the specific domain.


Ally accessibility reports are exported as CSV file. These CSV files provide detailed data about the items with issues on your site. But what does this data mean?

Rows are domains in the Domains report and Web pages or files in the other reports. Columns are general information, scores, and accessibility issues. Reports start with general information in the first few columns.

After the general information, the reports show the different content types and the total number of each one, including files and content created in the site manager application. These are columns pdf to other in the CSV file.

In the case of the individual domain or section report, the exact content types are all listed in the column with the "Mime type" heading.

Next, the reports detail how many items in a section have specific accessibility issues. The number in the column headings represent the severity level of the issue.

What does the number in the issue column headings mean?

The number in the column heading represents the severity level of the issue.

  • 1 represents severe issues
  • 2 represents major issues
  • 3 represents minor issues

For example, ImageSeizure:1 is a severe issue while AlternativeText:2 is a major issue.

This makes it easier to parse the severity of each issue in an automated way.

Months report

Rows are web pages or files across the site. Columns are general information, scores, and accessibility issues.

  • Month - The date of each month.
  • Number of domains - Total number of domains.
  • Total files - Total number of files.
  • Total Web Pages - Total number of pages on the website.
  • Overall score - The average accessibility score for both files and web page content combined.
  • Files score - The average score for uploaded file content. For example, PDFs, Word documents, PowerPoint presentations, images, and so on.
  • Web Page score - The average score for the website's pages.
  • pdf - Total number of PDFs in the site.
  • image - Total number of images in the site.
  • html-page - Total number of HTML pages in the site. This includes content created in the site content editor.
  • presentation - Total number of presentations in the site.
  • document - Total number of documents in the site.
  • other - Total number of files in the site that are not PDFs, images, HTML pages, presentations, and documents.
  • application/x-page - Number of other WYSIWYG content that have accessibility issues.

Ally Export Issue Columns

  • AlternativeText:2 - Shows if the PDF, document, or presentation has at least one image without alternative text. This is a major issue.
  • Contrast:2 - Total number of presentation, document, and PDF files that have contrast issues. This is a major issue.
  • HeadingsHigherLevel:3 - Total number of PDFs. presentations, and documents that exceed the recommended H6 level of headings. This is a minor issue.
  • HeadingsPresence:2 - Total number of PDFs, presentations, and documents that don’t have headings. This is a major issue.
  • HeadingsSequential:3 - Total number of PDFs and documents that don’t have headings in a logical sequence. This is a minor issue.
  • HeadingsStartAtOne:3 - Total number of PDFs and documents that don’t have an H1 heading as the first heading. This is a minor issue.
  • HtmlBrokenLink:2 - Total number of pages that have broken links in a domain. This is a major issue.

    This check is only in Ally for Websites at this time.

  • HtmlCaption:2 - Total number of HTML content and files that have YouTubeTM videos without captions. This is a major issue.

    GoogleTM Privacy Policy

  • HtmlColorContrast:2 - Total number of HTML and WYSIWYG content that have poor color contrast. This is a major issue.
  • HtmlDefinitionList:3 - Total number of HTML content and files that are not properly defined. For example, every form element has a label and that p elements are not used to style headings. This is a minor issue.
  • HtmlEmptyHeading:2 - Total number of HTML content and files that have empty headings. This is a major issue.
  • HtmlHasLang:3 - Total number of HTML content and files that don’t have language presence identified. This is a minor issue.
  • HtmlHeadingOrder:3 - Total number of HTML content and files that don’t have headings in a logical sequence. This is a minor issue.
  • HtmlHeadingsPresence:2 - Total number of HTML content and files that don’t have headings. This is a major issue.
  • HtmlHeadingsStart:2 - Total number of HTML content and files that don’t have the appropriate H heading as the first heading. This is a major issue.
  • HtmlImageAlt:2 - Total number of HTML content and files that have at least one image without alternative text. This is a major issue.
  • HtmlImageRedundantAlt:3 - Total number of HTML content and files that have images with the same alternative text as other images. This is a minor issue.
  • HtmlLabel:2 - Total number of HTML content and files that have form elements without labels. This is a major issue.
  • HtmlLinkName:3 - Total number of HTML content and files that have links that are not descriptive. This is a minor issue.
  • HtmlList:3 - Total number of HTML content and files that don’t have properly formed lists. This is a minor issue.
  • HtmlObjectAlt:2 - Total number of HTML content and files that have object tags without alternative text. This is a major issue.
  • HtmlTdHasHeader:2 - Total number of HTML content and files that have table columns without proper a proper header. This is a major issue.
  • HtmlTitle:3 - Total number of HTML content and files that don’t have a title. This is a minor issue.
  • ImageContrast:2 - Total number of images that have poor contrast. This is a major issue.
  • ImageDecorative:2 - Total number of images that have not been marked as decorative. This is a major issue.
  • ImageDescription:2 - Total number of images that don't have an alternative description. This is a major issue.
  • ImageOcr:3 - Total number of images that images that contain text. This is a minor issue.
  • ImageSeizure:1 - Total number of images that can cause seizures. This is a severe issue.
  • LanguageCorrect:3 - Total number of items that have an incorrect language set. This is a minor issue.
  • LanguagePresence:3 - Total number of items that don’t have a language specified. This is a minor issue.
  • LibraryReference - Total number of items that could be improved with library reference information.
  • Ocred:2 - Total number of PDFs that are scanned and have been OCRed. This is a major issue.
  • Parsable:1 - Total number of items that are malformed or corrupted and students may not be able to open. This is a severe issue.
  • Scanned:1 - Total number of PDFs that are scanned but have not been OCRed. This is a severe issue.
  • Security:1 - Total number of items that require a password. This is a severe issue.
  • TableHeaders:2 - Total number of items that have tables without headers. This is a major issue.
  • Tagged:2 - Total number of PDFs that are not tagged. This is a major issue.
  • Title:3 - Total number of items without a title. This is a minor issue.

Domains report

Rows are domains. Columns are general information, scores, and accessibility issues.

  • Domain id - The domain ID.
  • Domain name - The domain name.
  • Domain url - The domain URL.
  • Observed deleted on - The date the domain was deleted.
  • Total files - Total number of files in the domain.
  • Total Web Pages - Total number of pages on the website.
  • Overall score - The average accessibility score for both files and web page content combined.
  • Files score - The average score for uploaded file content. For example, PDFs, Word documents, PowerPoint presentations, images, and so on.
  • Web Page score - The average score for the website's pages.
  • pdf - Total number of PDFs in the domain.
  • image - Total number of images in the domain.
  • html-page - Total number of HTML pages in the domain. This includes content created in the domain content editor.
  • presentation - Total number of presentations in the domain.
  • document - Total number of documents in the domain.
  • other - Total number of files in the domain that are not PDFs, images, HTML pages, presentations, and documents.
  • application/x-page - Number of other WYSIWYG content that have accessibility issues.

Ally Export Issue Columns

  • AlternativeText:2 - Shows if the PDF, document, or presentation has at least one image without alternative text. This is a major issue.
  • Contrast:2 - Total number of presentation, document, and PDF files that have contrast issues. This is a major issue.
  • HeadingsHigherLevel:3 - Total number of PDFs. presentations, and documents that exceed the recommended H6 level of headings. This is a minor issue.
  • HeadingsPresence:2 - Total number of PDFs, presentations, and documents that don’t have headings. This is a major issue.
  • HeadingsSequential:3 - Total number of PDFs and documents that don’t have headings in a logical sequence. This is a minor issue.
  • HeadingsStartAtOne:3 - Total number of PDFs and documents that don’t have an H1 heading as the first heading. This is a minor issue.
  • HtmlBrokenLink:2 - Total number of pages that have broken links in a domain. This is a major issue.

    This check is only in Ally for Websites at this time.

  • HtmlCaption:2 - Total number of HTML content and files that have YouTubeTM videos without captions. This is a major issue.

    GoogleTM Privacy Policy

  • HtmlColorContrast:2 - Total number of HTML and WYSIWYG content that have poor color contrast. This is a major issue.
  • HtmlDefinitionList:3 - Total number of HTML content and files that are not properly defined. For example, every form element has a label and that p elements are not used to style headings. This is a minor issue.
  • HtmlEmptyHeading:2 - Total number of HTML content and files that have empty headings. This is a major issue.
  • HtmlHasLang:3 - Total number of HTML content and files that don’t have language presence identified. This is a minor issue.
  • HtmlHeadingOrder:3 - Total number of HTML content and files that don’t have headings in a logical sequence. This is a minor issue.
  • HtmlHeadingsPresence:2 - Total number of HTML content and files that don’t have headings. This is a major issue.
  • HtmlHeadingsStart:2 - Total number of HTML content and files that don’t have the appropriate H heading as the first heading. This is a major issue.
  • HtmlImageAlt:2 - Total number of HTML content and files that have at least one image without alternative text. This is a major issue.
  • HtmlImageRedundantAlt:3 - Total number of HTML content and files that have images with the same alternative text as other images. This is a minor issue.
  • HtmlLabel:2 - Total number of HTML content and files that have form elements without labels. This is a major issue.
  • HtmlLinkName:3 - Total number of HTML content and files that have links that are not descriptive. This is a minor issue.
  • HtmlList:3 - Total number of HTML content and files that don’t have properly formed lists. This is a minor issue.
  • HtmlObjectAlt:2 - Total number of HTML content and files that have object tags without alternative text. This is a major issue.
  • HtmlTdHasHeader:2 - Total number of HTML content and files that have table columns without proper a proper header. This is a major issue.
  • HtmlTitle:3 - Total number of HTML content and files that don’t have a title. This is a minor issue.
  • ImageContrast:2 - Total number of images that have poor contrast. This is a major issue.
  • ImageDecorative:2 - Total number of images that have not been marked as decorative. This is a major issue.
  • ImageDescription:2 - Total number of images that don't have an alternative description. This is a major issue.
  • ImageOcr:3 - Total number of images that images that contain text. This is a minor issue.
  • ImageSeizure:1 - Total number of images that can cause seizures. This is a severe issue.
  • LanguageCorrect:3 - Total number of items that have an incorrect language set. This is a minor issue.
  • LanguagePresence:3 - Total number of items that don’t have a language specified. This is a minor issue.
  • LibraryReference - Total number of items that could be improved with library reference information.
  • Ocred:2 - Total number of PDFs that are scanned and have been OCRed. This is a major issue.
  • Parsable:1 - Total number of items that are malformed or corrupted and students may not be able to open. This is a severe issue.
  • Scanned:1 - Total number of PDFs that are scanned but have not been OCRed. This is a severe issue.
  • Security:1 - Total number of items that require a password. This is a severe issue.
  • TableHeaders:2 - Total number of items that have tables without headers. This is a major issue.
  • Tagged:2 - Total number of PDFs that are not tagged. This is a major issue.
  • Title:3 - Total number of items without a title. This is a minor issue.

Years report

Rows are web pages or files across the site. Columns are general information, scores, and accessibility issues.

  • Academic year - The date of each year.
  • Number of domains - Total number of domains.
  • Total files - Total number of files .
  • Total Web Pages - Total number of pages on the website.
  • Overall score - The average accessibility score for both files and web page content combined.
  • Files score - The average score for uploaded file content. For example, PDFs, Word documents, PowerPoint presentations, images, and so on.
  • Web Page score - The average score for the website's pages.
  • pdf - Total number of PDFs in the site.
  • image - Total number of images in the site.
  • html-page - Total number of HTML pages in the site. This includes content created in the site content editor.
  • presentation - Total number of presentations in the site.
  • document - Total number of documents in the site.
  • other - Total number of files in the site that are not PDFs, images, HTML pages, presentations, and documents.
  • application/x-page - Number of other WYSIWYG content that have accessibility issues.

Ally Export Issue Columns

  • AlternativeText:2 - Shows if the PDF, document, or presentation has at least one image without alternative text. This is a major issue.
  • Contrast:2 - Total number of presentation, document, and PDF files that have contrast issues. This is a major issue.
  • HeadingsHigherLevel:3 - Total number of PDFs. presentations, and documents that exceed the recommended H6 level of headings. This is a minor issue.
  • HeadingsPresence:2 - Total number of PDFs, presentations, and documents that don’t have headings. This is a major issue.
  • HeadingsSequential:3 - Total number of PDFs and documents that don’t have headings in a logical sequence. This is a minor issue.
  • HeadingsStartAtOne:3 - Total number of PDFs and documents that don’t have an H1 heading as the first heading. This is a minor issue.
  • HtmlBrokenLink:2 - Total number of pages that have broken links in a domain. This is a major issue.

    This check is only in Ally for Websites at this time.

  • HtmlCaption:2 - Total number of HTML content and files that have YouTubeTM videos without captions. This is a major issue.

    GoogleTM Privacy Policy

  • HtmlColorContrast:2 - Total number of HTML and WYSIWYG content that have poor color contrast. This is a major issue.
  • HtmlDefinitionList:3 - Total number of HTML content and files that are not properly defined. For example, every form element has a label and that p elements are not used to style headings. This is a minor issue.
  • HtmlEmptyHeading:2 - Total number of HTML content and files that have empty headings. This is a major issue.
  • HtmlHasLang:3 - Total number of HTML content and files that don’t have language presence identified. This is a minor issue.
  • HtmlHeadingOrder:3 - Total number of HTML content and files that don’t have headings in a logical sequence. This is a minor issue.
  • HtmlHeadingsPresence:2 - Total number of HTML content and files that don’t have headings. This is a major issue.
  • HtmlHeadingsStart:2 - Total number of HTML content and files that don’t have the appropriate H heading as the first heading. This is a major issue.
  • HtmlImageAlt:2 - Total number of HTML content and files that have at least one image without alternative text. This is a major issue.
  • HtmlImageRedundantAlt:3 - Total number of HTML content and files that have images with the same alternative text as other images. This is a minor issue.
  • HtmlLabel:2 - Total number of HTML content and files that have form elements without labels. This is a major issue.
  • HtmlLinkName:3 - Total number of HTML content and files that have links that are not descriptive. This is a minor issue.
  • HtmlList:3 - Total number of HTML content and files that don’t have properly formed lists. This is a minor issue.
  • HtmlObjectAlt:2 - Total number of HTML content and files that have object tags without alternative text. This is a major issue.
  • HtmlTdHasHeader:2 - Total number of HTML content and files that have table columns without proper a proper header. This is a major issue.
  • HtmlTitle:3 - Total number of HTML content and files that don’t have a title. This is a minor issue.
  • ImageContrast:2 - Total number of images that have poor contrast. This is a major issue.
  • ImageDecorative:2 - Total number of images that have not been marked as decorative. This is a major issue.
  • ImageDescription:2 - Total number of images that don't have an alternative description. This is a major issue.
  • ImageOcr:3 - Total number of images that images that contain text. This is a minor issue.
  • ImageSeizure:1 - Total number of images that can cause seizures. This is a severe issue.
  • LanguageCorrect:3 - Total number of items that have an incorrect language set. This is a minor issue.
  • LanguagePresence:3 - Total number of items that don’t have a language specified. This is a minor issue.
  • LibraryReference - Total number of items that could be improved with library reference information.
  • Ocred:2 - Total number of PDFs that are scanned and have been OCRed. This is a major issue.
  • Parsable:1 - Total number of items that are malformed or corrupted and students may not be able to open. This is a severe issue.
  • Scanned:1 - Total number of PDFs that are scanned but have not been OCRed. This is a severe issue.
  • Security:1 - Total number of items that require a password. This is a severe issue.
  • TableHeaders:2 - Total number of items that have tables without headers. This is a major issue.
  • Tagged:2 - Total number of PDFs that are not tagged. This is a major issue.
  • Title:3 - Total number of items without a title. This is a minor issue.

Individual domain report

Ally Export Individual Course, Section, or Domain Report

Rows are content items. Columns are general information, scores, and accessibility issues.

  • Id - The content item ID.
  • Name - The content item name.
  • Mime type - The content item type.
  • Score - The accessibility score of the content item.
  • Deleted at - The date the content item was deleted.
  • Library reference - The library reference JSON object.
  • Url - The content item URL.
  • AlternativeText:2 - Shows if the PDF or document has at least one image without alternative text. This is a major issue.
  • Contrast:2 - Shows if the presentation, document, or PDF file has contrast issues. This is a major issue.
  • HeadingsHigherLevel:3 - Shows if the PDF or document exceeds the recommended H6 level of headings. This is a minor issue.
  • HeadingsPresence:2 - Shows if the PDF or document doesn’t have headings. This is a major issue.
  • HeadingsSequential:3 - Shows if the PDF or document doesn’t have headings in a logical sequence. This is a minor issue.
  • HeadingsStartAtOne:3 - Shows if the PDF or document doesn't have an H1 heading as the first heading. This is a minor issue.
  • HtmlBrokenLink:2 - Shows if the HTML content has a broken link. This is a major issue.

    This check is only in Ally for Websites at this time.

  • HtmlCaption:2 - Shows if the HTML content has YouTubeTM videos without captions. This is a major issue.

    GoogleTM Privacy Policy

  • HtmlColorContrast:2 - Shows if the HTML or WYSIWYG content that has poor color contrast. This is a major issue.
  • HtmlDefinitionList:3 - Shows if the HTML content or file isn't not properly defined. For example, every form element has a label and that p elements are not used to style headings. This is a minor issue.
  • HtmlEmptyHeading:2 - Shows if the HTML content or file has empty headings. This is a major issue.
  • HtmlHasLang:3 - Shows if the HTML content or file doesn't have language presence identified. This is a minor issue.
  • HtmlHeadingOrder:3 - Shows if the HTML content or file doesn't have headings in a logical sequence. This is a minor issue.
  • HtmlHeadingsPresence:2 - Shows if the HTML content or file doesn't have headings. This is a major issue.
  • HtmlHeadingsStart:2 - Shows if the HTML content or file doesn't have the appropriate H heading as the first heading. This is a major issue.
  • HtmlImageAlt:2 - Shows if the HTML content or file has at least one image without alternative text. This is a major issue.
  • HtmlImageRedundantAlt:3 - Shows if the HTML content or file has images with the same alternative text as other images. This is a minor issue.
  • HtmlLabel:2 - Shows if the HTML content or file has form elements without labels. This is a major issue.
  • HtmlLinkName:3 - Shows if the HTML content or file has links that aren't descriptive. This is a minor issue.
  • HtmlList:3 - Shows if the HTML content or file doesn't have properly formed lists. This is a minor issue.
  • HtmlObjectAlt:2 - Shows if the HTML content or file has object tags without alternative text. This is a major issue.
  • HtmlTdHasHeader:2 - Shows if the HTML content or file has table columns without proper a proper header. This is a major issue.
  • HtmlTitle:3 - Shows if the HTML content or file doesn't have a title. This is a minor issue.
  • ImageContrast:2 - Shows if the image has poor contrast. This is a major issue.
  • ImageDecorative:2 - Shows if the image isn't marked as decorative. This is a major issue.
  • ImageDescription:2 - Shows if the image doesn't have an alternative description. This is a major issue.
  • ImageOcr:3 - Shows if the image contains text. This is a minor issue.
  • ImageSeizure:1 - Shows if the image can cause seizures. This is a severe issue.
  • LanguageCorrect:3 - Shows if the item has an incorrect language set. This is a minor issue.
  • LanguagePresence:3 - Shows if the item doesn't have a language specified. This is a minor issue.
  • Ocred:2 - Shows if the PDF is scanned and OCRed. This is a major issue.
  • Parsable:1 - Shows if the item is malformed or corrupted and students may not be able to open. This is a severe issue.
  • Scanned:1 - Shows if the PDF is scanned. This is a severe issue.
  • Security:1 - Shows if the item requires a password. This is a severe issue.
  • TableHeaders:2 - Shows if the item has tables without headers. This is a major issue.
  • Tagged:2 - Shows if the PDF isn't tagged. This is a major issue.
  • Title:3 - Shows if the item doesn't have a title. This is a minor issue.