Users can create workflows to define the tasks and order of execution of a specific process, including which documents and individuals are involved. You have the option to receive email notifications about the workflows you participate in, such as when tasks are assigned to you, or when the workflow progresses from one milestone to the next.
Workflows are deployed using models. A model serves as the foundation for a workflow: milestones and actions are predefined so a workflow can be deployed quickly and easily. A single model can have multiple workflow instances and can be shared with other content management users. Sharing these models with the appropriate roles within an institution can increase efficiency and accuracy.
Workflows can help institutions provide structure to common business processes, for example:
- Librarians can set up copyright authorization processes for instructors and students.
- IT departments can set up methods for requesting resources.
- Institutions can establish procedures for requesting access to specific course content.
- Students can collaborate on class projects.
You can find workflows in the Collaboration section of the Content Collection menu. These page are tailored to each user and displays their workflow models, workflows they are participating in, and actions assigned to them.