Google Drive and Workspace FAQ
Here you'll find the most important topics and questions about the Google Workspace integration with Learn.
What does the Google Workspace integration provide?
The integration provides the following capabilities:
- Instructors can link directly from within Learn to Google Workspace files stored in Google Drive. Instructors can edit files directly using the embedded Google tools, which makes it easier to manage file updates within the Learn platform. Students can access a read-only version of embedded files and view them in Learn without needing to download the files.
- The Google Drive file explorer allows instructors to search and select their Google Workspace files within Learn.
- Read-only files have Learn’s settings automatically applied that include Class Conversations, aligning files course goals and outcomes, and adding descriptions. Instructors can also change file names in Learn and student visibility and availability settings. Changes to file names in Learn are not applied to files in Google Drive.
Who can use this integration and what roles are included?
Instructors, graders, and teaching assistants can link files from Google Drive. Students automatically have read-only access to linked files.
What are the minimum requirements for this integration?
To use the Google Workspace integration, your institution must have a Google Workspace license. Educators and students must have accounts in the same Google Workspace tenant for the integration to work.
Does this integration need IT approval to work?
The integration doesn’t need global IT approval to function, but the core requirements need the Google Client and Service account to be configured in the Learn admin interface. The Google Workspace account needs to be configured in Google Cloud prior to setting this up in Learn. Visit the “Google Workspace” topic to learn more about setting up Google Workspace integration at your institution.
Where are the files and data stored for this integration?
The files and data are stored in your institution’s shared Google Drive account that allows all files to be retained by your institution as part of your contractual storage, permission, and access requirements with Google.
Will this Google integration impact the existing Learn Cloud Storage tool or the Microsoft OneDrive LTI Integration?
No, this integration is separate from the existing Cloud Storage tool in Learn and is also separate from the Microsoft OneDrive LTI tool. Google Workspace has no impact on either of these integrations.
Will this integration work in AWS GovCloud?
This integration isn’t currently available in AWS GovCloud due to region specific requirements. We continue to evaluate all requirements around supporting the integration in this region.
What are the permissions required in order to use this integration?
The Google Workspace integration requires permissions to be granted on your institution’s Google account in order for the integration to work with Learn.
Your Google permissions are managed through your Google Developer account. Learn provides several kinds of permissions for your institution.
- See/Read: Read permission uses File Picker accesses to display all files that are owned by instructors and graders.
- Edit: Edit Access permission provides access to files and copies the files to an LTI shared drive.
- Create: Create permission creates a file in Google Workspace or Google Drive. Delete: We do not delete files in individual accounts. This function is not included because Google provides read, edit, create, and delete permissions together. Service Account Permission: This permission manages only the files created in LTI Shared Drive files.
How do linked files in your institution’s Google Workspace Shared Drive function when courses are archived or copied?
Google Workspace integration supports course copy, and archive and restore processes according to your institution’s core LTI specification. After a course is copied or archived and restored, the same file is shared between the existing course and the new course. This file is accessible between courses and the users of those courses.
How can I access help and support?
You can file support tickets directly through Behind the Blackboard or ask questions during the main T&L Admin Office hours each Tuesday at 12 noon Eastern Time.