Calendar Assets include Event Categories and Collections.
Event Categories, used as a legend, is a comprehensive list of color-coded categories that can be applied to events added to a calendar. On the end-user website, you can filter events by event categories. Some popular event categories include Assembly, Athletic Event, and Field Trip.
A Calendar Collection is a group of calendars. For example, teachers' calendars within a specific school, all elementary school calendars, all athletics' calendars, all department calendars at the district office.
Use a collection to post an event to more than one calendar on your website.
Site Directors can use the Mandatory Event feature to post an event to every calendar in the district without the need for a calendar collection.
Add an Event Category
A category includes a category name and a color for the category that you select using a color picker. You can choose to push the event category to all the Calendar Apps on your website.
- From Site Manager select CONFIGURE.
- Select Calendar Assets and select Event Categories.
- Select New Category.
- Type a unique Category Name.
- Select the color box and select the color you want.
- Select Display on all calendars to make it available for all new calendar apps created after this category is added to the main list.
- Select Save.
Create a calendar collection
Consider creating a collection that contains only the district site. Allow selected editors to request posting events to the district calendar.
- From Site Manager select CONFIGURE.
- Select Calendar Assets and Collections.
- Select New Collection.
- Type the name.
- Optionally, type a description.
- Select Save.
Add workspaces to a collection
Add your workspace calendars to the collection.
- From Collections find the collection you want.
- Select the collection name.
- Select Workspaces.
- Select Add Workspace. The Add Site, Channel, or Section dialog displays.
- Search or browse for the site, subsite, channel, or section where the calendar you want to add is located.
- Select Add.
- Select Save.
Give sharing rights to a collection
By default, calendar collections can be accessed by all editors. To restrict access for a collection, select Sharing Rights and assign specific users or groups.
- From Site Manager select CONFIGURE.
- Select Calendar Assets and select Collections.
- Find the collection you want and select the name.
- Select Sharing Rights.
- Select Assign Group or Assign User.
- Select the groups or users you want to assign.
- Type all or part of the group or user name.
- Select Search.
- Select the group or user you want.
- Repeat until you assign all groups or users.
- Select Save.
Edit, copy, or delete a collection
Edit, copy, or delete collection as you want.
- From Site Manager select CONFIGURE.
- Select Calendar Assets and select Collections.
- Edit, copy, or delete the collection.
- Select the collection name to edit it.
- Select Copy for the collection to copy it.
- Select Delete for the collection to delete it.