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Staring with Learn 9.1 April 2014, Blackboard Learn no longer requires a web server. Removing the dependence on a web server improves performance and reduces complexity.

Before removing IIS, you will need to export any commercial TLS certificates that may be needed to configure TLS after the upgrade has completed. Details for exporting the certificate and configuring TLS are in the Post-Installation and Upgrade section: Optional - TLS Configuration.

Remove IIS

If the server is running IIS and the institution is not using or planning to use an ancillary services that requires IIS (such as Shibboleth Authentication or a SMTP relay for GMail), the service can be removed after the Blackboard Learn upgrade has completed.

  1. Start > Administrative Tools > Server Manager
  2. Select Remove Role Services.
  3. Under Roles, select WebServer
  4. Select Remove Dependent Features.
  5. Select Next.
  6. Select Remove.
  7. Select Close.

Blackboard recommends that you restart the application server after removing IIS.