Ally 1.57 | Release to production 24 March 2021
New features, Updated features, Instructure Canvas
Course Accessibility Report data is now available in the Usage Report
Ally administrators are now able view usage data for the Course Accessibility Report as part of the Usage Report. Within the Instructor Feedback Launches and Instructor Feedback Weekly data tabs, admins can see how many times the Course Accessibility Report has been launched along with the Instructor Feedback launch and total number of fixes data to better track overall engagement.
Departmental report is now searchable
Admins are now able to search through the list of departments available on the Directory tab within the Institutional report to facilitate faster searching and reporting when looking for specific departments.
Ally 1.57 bug fixes & improvements
- Improved our ElasticSearch infrastructure to implement data encryption-at-rest as well as allow for the ability to search the Ally Configuration Courses tab for Course IDs containing more than 10 characters.
- Improved lists and headings detection within Arabic documents to improve the overall quality of the Alternative Formats.
- Added support for the new Canvas file preview functionality to address an issue where the Ally indicators overlapped with the new Canvas icon.
- Fixed an accessibility bug that prevented keyboard navigation to the Remove from Image button when editing and removing alternative text from an image in the Instructor Feedback.