Monitor and improve course accessibility at your institution.

Anthology Ally provides an institution-wide course content accessibility report that allows for deep insight and understanding into how the institution is performing and evolving from a course content accessibility point of view. This report helps track progress and can help highlight problem areas and identify initiatives that can further help improve accessibility at the institution.

Open the report

You can find the Ally institution report in your Learning Management System (LMS).

  • Blackboard Learn: On the administrator panel under Tools and Utilities, select Ally Report.
  • Instructure Canvas: Select Admin in the global navigation. Select an account and select Ally.
  • Moodle: From Site administration select Reports. Select Accessibility.
  • Custom Login Page: If you have access through a custom login page, type the LTI key and secret for your institution.

    More on how to share a link to the custom login page

  • D2L BrightSpace: On the Homepage select More and select Ally Institutional Report.
  • Schoology: On any page, select the App Center and Ally Institutional Report.

Read the report

Ally’s institution report shows you the big picture as well as specific details about the accessibility of your institution’s digital course content.

Share a link to the report

Instructors and administrators can access the report from their LMS. You can also choose to let them access the report outside of the LMS. To give them access you need to send them the link to the report along with the client key and secret they'll need to use to sign in.

There is only one client key and secret for each institution. If you don't know what yours is, submit a case to request your key and secret on Behind the Blackboard.

Use one of these URLS and replace [ClientId] with your Client Id.

  • Institutions hosted in the US data centre:[ClientId]
  • Institutions hosted in the Canadian data centre:[ClientId]
  • Institutions hosted in the European data centre:[ClientId]
  • Institutions hosted in the Singapore data centre:[ClientId]
  • Institutions hosted in the Australian data centre:[ClientId]