Recording player

The recording player has the same look and feel as your Collaborate session. There is a Recording menu similar to the Session menu in your live sessions and recording playback controls.

  • Recording menu: Open the Recording menu at the top left of your screen. From here you can download the full recording, download caption transcripts, download chat transcripts, get extra help, or report an issue if you are having trouble with the recording.
  • Captions: Captions are available if they are added later by a moderator or live closed captioning is used during the session. Closed captions are on in the recording by default. Select Closed Captions in the playback controls to turn off the captions or adjust the size of the caption font.

    You can also download a transcript for the captions from the Recording menu.

  • Playback controls: The intuitive playback controls allow you to navigate through the recording the way you want.
    Recording playback controls
    • Pause: With your keyboard, press the Spacebar to pause and play the recording.
    • Repeat/Forward: With your keyboard, press the Left and Right arrow keys to repeat or skip the recording by 10 seconds.
    • Progress: Slide the marker on the progress bar to move through the recording. With a keyboard press Shift + Left arrow or Shift + Right arrow to repeat or skip the recording by 10 seconds.
    • Volume: With your keyboard, press the Up and Down arrow keys to increase and decrease the volume by 5%.
    • Playback speed: Choose between a range of speeds for the recording playback: 0.5x, 0.75x, 1x, 1.25, 1.5, 2x.
      Playback speed option is located between the volume and closed caption options on the recording playback controls.
    • Closed captions: Select Closed captions to view the captions with the recordings. You can also download a transcript of the captions from the Recording menu.
  • Chat messages: Open the Chat panel at the bottom right of your screen to see the complete chat history of the recorded session. To learn more, see Chat messages in recordings.

Don't worry, we'll walk you through it. When you first open the recording player we'll show you where everything you need is.