Ally 2.8.0 | Release to production: February 9, 2024
Course Accessibility Report Instructor Feedback Improvements
Ally 2.8.0 brings several fixes and improvements to the Instructor Feedback launched from the Course Accessibility Report to help instructors that frequently use it as a starting point to address issues within their course. These improvements aim to further streamline instructor workflows as they look to quickly identify low scoring content or content with the easiest issues to fix.
Image 1: Ally Course Accessibility Report
Increased visibility into what is happening behind the scenes for WYSIWYG content
When instructors launch the Ally Instructor Feeback for WYSIWYG content from the Course Accessibility Report, Ally will now briefly display a message alerting users that Ally is updating the score to account for the latest updates. This improvement helps to ensure that the score is always up to date and addresses previous confusion around scores jumping depending on where and when it was viewed.
Image 2: “Updating Ally score” alert in the Instructor Feedback window
Bug Fixes and Other Improvements:
- Fixed an issue in which the Indicate Image is Decorative option was not updating the file or the score in WYSIWYG content when performed from the Course Accessibility Report.
- Fixed an issue in which the Add Image Description option was not correctly updating the alternative text or the score in WYSIWYG content when performed from the Course Accessibility Report.
- Fixed an issue in which the Instructor Feedback within the Course Accessibility Report was not displaying the correct score for files that only contained one issue.
- Fixed an issue in which Ally was not displaying the correct number of issues after launching into the Instructor Feedback from the Course Accessibility Report.
- Fixed an issue where the highlighting within the Ally Instructor feedback content preview was only pointing to one video despite Ally flagging multiple videos without captions within WYSIWYG content.