Communication & Collaboration
Announcement indicators and mark announcements as read/unread – 3900.86
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors, Students
Announcements are an important communications channel within a course. Over the past 12 months, course announcements usage has more than tripled! With such an increase in usage, it is important to help create awareness of new announcements and read/unread controls.
Now, there is a number indicator next to the announcement tab in the course. The indicator signals the number of unread announcements available.
Additionally, users can now mark announcements as read or unread. On the New Course Announcement pop-up, users have the option to mark the read state. Users can also mark announcements as read or unread from the Announcement page.
Image 1. Number of unread Announcements next to the Announcement tab
Image 2. Announcements pop-up with the option to mark as read/unread
Image 3. Announcements page with the option to mark as read/unread
Image 4. Matching announcement and messages indicators for consistency
For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed.