Rubrics performance level descriptions: Display choice persists – 3900.84
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors
Rubrics play a critical role in the grading process for many educators. Rubrics performance level descriptions are hidden by default. Instructors can choose to display the performance descriptions as needed for grading.
In the past, the performance level descriptions display option didn’t persist when navigating submissions. This caused frustration for instructors.
Now, the rubrics grading interface stores the most recently used display option. This means that instructors who rely on performance level descriptions when grading don’t have to turn them on each time they navigate to grade another submission. The performance level display option preference is stored on a per-user per-assessment basis.
Image 1. Rubric grading displaying performance level descriptions
For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed.