Converting Building Block content to LTI (Echo360 Course Content) - 3900.80
Blackboard Learn SaaS, Blackboard Learn 9.1
Original Experience
Original Course View
Impact: Administrators
In the past, some clients relied on building blocks to enhance course content. To help clients transition from building blocks to LTI tools, we created a Content Migration Tool. This tool focuses on helping clients migrate Kaltura content within Original courses.
We have now updated the migration tool to support the conversion of building blocks content to LTI. This change helps mitigate challenges with migrations from Original to Ultra courses.
Now, administrators can also convert Echo360 content from building blocks to LTI.
This conversion supports the Building Block content present within the iframe. This includes Mashup links within the content editor:
- wikis, journals, discussions, groups
- assessments, assignments, test questions, and question banks
- announcements
As before, administrators can access the Building Block to LTI content conversion service through Administrator Tools.
Image 1. Converting Building Block Content to LTI
Image 2. Migration Service Settings
Administrators can select from a drop-down menu the building block to be configured. The options are Echo360 and Kaltura.
Administrators can configure the required IDs and custom parameters for the conversion details.
Image 3. Migration settings for Echo 360 and Kaltura
Building blocks mappings are displayed. Administrators can select whether they want to edit, delete, or turn off the building block for the conversion tool.
Image 4. Building block mappings
Once configurations are set, administrators can manage the placements. They can select for the specific Building Block the courses to which they want to convert the content.
Image 5. Migrate courses with building block content
Finally, at Migration Run Status, users can monitor the status of the conversion process for each course.
Image 6. Migration run status
For administrators: If the same course contains content from both Kaltura and Echo360 building blocks, the conversion process must be performed once for each building block.