The LTI adapter type is an Oauth 1.0 signed request which conforms to the LTI 1.1 standard. In an LTI 1.1 launch, you must provide either the lis_person_sourcedid or ext_user_username property containing the batch_uid/external ID of the user to log in. You may provide a Redirect Parameter to forward the user to a specific location in Learn.

Configure the UAS Settings

  1. Navigate to the UAS Settings screen.
  2. Select Add Authentication Adapter.
Add authentication adapter
AliasThis is a unique name for the adapter and is used in URLs. The alias will be stored as all lowercase letters and should not contain any special URL characters.
EnabledThis toggle determines whether the adapter is available for use.
Auth TypeLTI
Use Outbound AdapterSelect the authentication adapter which will be used for outbound authentication to the external service. (If one is not selected, the default outbound adapter will be used.)
Debug EnabledThis toggle determines whether debug statements are written to the logs for troubleshooting purposes.
Restricted UsersEnter a comma-separated list of usernames which cannot use this adapter.
KeyEnter the Oauth 1.0 key value for the signature.
SecretEnter the Oauth 1.0 secret value for the signature. Once saved, you cannot see the value which is saved, but you can change it.
Redirect ParameterSpecify a parameter that will contain the URL users will be directed to after logging in. 
Disable Nonce TrackingSelect this toggle for troubleshooting purposes so you can re-use authentication requests. For security purposes, we recommend you keep this toggle deselected to keep nonce tracking enabled.
  1. Select Save to save your configuration.

The URL for the configured adapter is https://{region}{siteId}/auth/{alias}.