A route adapter allows you to direct users to the correct authentication method based on their username. A user enters their username and, based on that value, is directed to a specific URL.

Configure the UAS Settings

  1. Navigate to the UAS Settings screen.
  2. Select Add Authentication Adapter.
Add authentication adapter
AliasThis is a unique name for the adapter and is used in URLs. The alias will be stored as all lowercase letters and should not contain any special URL characters.
EnabledThis toggle determines whether the adapter is available for use.
Auth TypeROUTE
Use Outbound AdapterSelect the authentication adapter which will be used for outbound authentication to the external service. (If one is not selected, the default outbound adapter will be used.)
Debug EnabledThis toggle determines whether debug statements are written to the logs for troubleshooting purposes.
CSS URLInput the URL for any CSS you would like to use to style the login page.
Logo URLInput the URL for any logo you would like to appear on the login page.
Username Prompt TextInput the text that you want to appear where users should enter their usernames. By default, this will say "Username."
Submit Button TextInput the text that you want to appear on the button that users will use to submit their usernames. By default, this will say "Submit."
Help TextInput any text you want to appear on the page below the login details. This can be help text, general information, or any other text you want. This text is optional. There is a limit of 1000 characters.
Learn URLThis field should autopopulate with the URL of your Blackboard system.
Default RouteInput the URL that users should be directed to by default. If users do not have one of the institutional roles or datasource keys specified later in this setup, they will be directed to this URL.
Route by
  • Role: Select Role if you are going to route users based on institutional role.
  • Datasource: Select Datasource if you are going to route users based on datasource key.
  • Select the Role or Datasource, whichever you chose to route by.
  • Input the URL that users with that role or datasource key should be directed to.
  • Select the purple + icon.
  • Repeat for as many different routes as you need.
  1. Select Save to save your configuration.

The URL for the configured adapter is https://{region}.extensions.blackboard.com/api/v2/authadapters/sites/{siteId}/auth/{alias}.