Mobile App
Grades landing page improvement – 3900.74
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience and/or Original Experience
Ultra Course View and/or Original Course View
Impact: Instructors, Students
Grade information is one of the most important data points for instructors and students. The latest update to our mobile app brings an improvement to the grades landing page. With this update:
- Students can now see their overall grade on the grades landing page.
- Instructors can now see the overall course grade on the landing page.
These changes aim to enhance the user experience and provide a more streamlined way to access grade information.
Image 1. Grades landing page that allows both instructor and students see the overall grade for a course
For administrators: This feature is available for all users of the Mobile App version 8.8. No action is needed from users who have enabled automatic updates on their devices. Users who have disabled automatic updates on their devices must download the update.