Group Messaging improvements – 3900.71
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors, Students
Related topic: Messages for Instructors, Messages for Students
Communication and collaboration between group members is key. An instructor can now send a message to any group or group set. Instructors can also select more than one group as recipients of a message. Students can select their groups as message recipients.
Those in the message can view the groups or group sets that received the message. Recipients can view who sent the message.
The Groups page now includes a message icon that provides an easy means for messaging a group. The message auto-populates the recipient with the selected group. Users can change the recipients as appropriate.
Image 1: Instructor view - button to draft/send a message to specific groups
Image 2: Student view - button to draft/send a message to specific groups
Image 3: New Message page with a group in the recipient list
Image 4: Group message thread, with the group name in the recipients' list
For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed.