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Group assignments

Your instructors can create group tests or assignments where you can collaborate with other students. Your instructor may create groups or ask you to join a group for group assignments. The workflow is the same for group tests.

On your Course page, your group name is listed after the group assignment title. Your group members' names appear at the bottom when you open an assignment. If you see the option Join a group to participate, select the link to choose a group. You won't see the group assignment on your Grades page until you join a group.

More on joining groups

Detail of Course Content page with box highlighting course content row. A callout arrow points from highlighted row to an image the Group Assignment page. Boxes highlight View Assessment button

If you can’t view the group assignment, your access might be based on your score on another graded item or a date. You can always view your group members even if you can't view the group assignment. If your instructor has asked you to join a group, you may be able to see your group members before you can access the assignment. Your instructor controls that setting, so contact them if you have further questions.

Join a group to participate notification displayed in the activity stream of the Student's view. The notification shows that the content is not available.

You can view a group assignment and you don't have to submit it. When you select View assessment, you can view the group assignment or add some work. Not ready to submit? Select Save and Close in the panel. Your work on behalf of the group is saved and not submitted. If you or another group member previously started the group assignment, your work was saved. Select View assessment to resume working.

Everyone in the group can keep track of the latest version of the work. Until a member selects Submit, you can open the group assignment as many times as you want.

Image demonstrating button options to Save and Close assignment and Save assignment

Group conversations and Collaborate

If your instructor enabled conversations, select the conversation icon in the panel. You can ask for help, share sources, or answer questions others have about the group assignment. You can have conversations with the whole class, just the group, or both.

When a group member has posted to the conversation, an icon appears next to the assignment title on the Course Content page to indicate new activity. The conversation icon in the panel also appears with a colored dot.

Moving screenshot image of Course Content page that demonstrates how to select and participate in a group assignment.]

More on conversations

You can also use Collaborate Ultra to meet virtually with your group if your course uses Collaborate and your instructor enabled conversations. To open your group's Collaborate room, select the Open Collaborate room icon.

Users don’t have the ability to make Collaborate recordings in Ultra assignment groups. There is no place to list, manage, or watch recordings from groups. An instructor can join a group and access the record button, but this recording will not be listed or be accessible to view.

New to Collaborate Ultra? Start here with the basics!

More on presenting in Collaborate Ultra

Join a group

Your instructor may ask you to join a group to complete a group assignment. The group assignment won't appear on your Grades page until you join a group.

On the Course Content page, you may see an enrollment period. This means that you need to join a group before the deadline. If you haven't joined a group, you're notified when the enrollment deadline approaches.

The Course Content page from the Student's view is open with 1) the "Join a group to participate" option under a group assignment title and 2) a message with the date and time when the enrollment option closes.

You can also see if the enrollment period isn't open yet or has closed. You can see the groups page and the assignment only after the enrollment period opens. Contact your instructor if you didn't join a group by the enrollment deadline. If all groups have submitted work, you can't join a group.

Image of two discussion group rows, both displaying information about self-enrollment periods

Select the Join a group to participate link to access the Groups page. If you select the group assignment title, a panel opens with details and links to join a group. You can't view the assignment until you join a group.

Image of Group Assignment panel with information about the assignment. A box highlights the “Join a Group to participate” link and enrollment period due date

Groups page

The groups you can join appear on the Groups page. Based on your instructor's settings, you might see a Show Members link that displays the names of other members who joined before you. In the Number of students column, you can see how many members are allowed to join each group. Your instructor may allow all students to join all groups. For example, you might attend multiple field trips.

After you join a group, Joined appears in that row. You can move to another group while the enrollment period is open. You can't move if your group has already submitted work.

Image of Groups page where students can self-enroll in a group. A callout arrow points to “Show Members” link for a group

You can’t join or move to groups that have submitted work or that contain the maximum number of members. If you can’t join any group or the enrollment deadline has passed, contact your instructor.

On the left, the student's Group details section is open with the list of self-enrollment groups available to join. On the right, the list of self-enrollment groups shows 1) the message "Joined" in one group and 2) the option "Move to this group" in the groups available to join.

After you join a group, you can view your group activity and participate.

Watch a video about Working in Groups

The following narrated video provides a visual and auditory representation of some of the information included on this page. For a detailed description of what is portrayed in the video, open the video on YouTube, navigate to More actions, and select Open transcript.

Video: Work in Groups in the Ultra Course View for Students


Multiple members can work on a group assignment

When a group member opens a group assignment, the assignment is locked so other members can't edit it. Other group members can request to work on the assignment. The member in control can approve or decline the request.

Take control of an assignment

Image of Group Members panel on group assignment page that shows one student is currently editing the assignment
  1. Open the group assignment. If another group member is working on the assignment, a pencil icon and message appears next to the member's name.
  2. To send a request to the group member who's currently in control, select Take Control.
  3. A message appears to let you know that your request for control was sent. If you decide you don't want control, you can cancel your request.
  4. The person in control of the group assignment receives a notification and can approve or decline your request.
  5. If your request is approved, the group assignment is unlocked and you can work on it. You receive a message if your request is denied.

If your request is denied, your group member may have granted access to someone else. You can request access again later. You might also want to send a message to your group to coordinate who works on the group assignment at certain times.

If you receive one of these notifications while you work on a group assignment, the system saves your work automatically. You can choose to leave the assignment and turn over control to the member who requested access. Or, you can ignore the request and continue.

Image of the notification “A group member wants control”

Submit a group assignment

Remember, as you work on a group assignment, you can save a draft and other group members are allowed to edit it. Everyone in the group can keep track of the latest version of the work.

Only one member of your group submits the assignment. You'll receive a pop-up message where you confirm you want to submit on behalf of your group. You can't make changes to a group assignment after you submit it.

The Submit button is disabled until one of your group members adds content.

The group assignment submit message is open.

Group grades and feedback

Your instructors grade a group assignment in the same way they grade an assignment that you work on individually. You see only your own grade, but your instructor can assign different grades to each group member. Instructors may assign different grades if they feel that a group member's contribution earned a grade different from the rest of the group.

You can view your group feedback and feedback your instructor provided just for you. When you open the group assignment to view the grade, the feedback panel opens automatically. Your feedback appears in the Group and Individual tabs. After you close the feedback panel, select the feedback icon to open it again.

An example group submission from the Student's view is open with the "Group" and "Individual" feedback tabs displayed.

How do I check that our group assignment was submitted?

After your group submits an assignment, select the title of the assignment on the Course Content page. A panel appears with the date and time of the submission. Not graded appears if your group submitted the assignment but your instructor hasn't graded it yet. Select the Submission link to view the submission.

Image of Details & Information panel with callout arrow pointing to Grading status

As your instructors post grades, you'll find them in your activity stream. Select View your grade to display your grade. If your instructor added group feedback, you'll see it after the item's title. Select the group assignment title to open your Course Grades page to access all your grades and feedback.

The activity stream of the Student's view is open with the "View my grade" button clicked and an example grade highlighted.

You can also access the group assignment in your course to review your grade and feedback in context.

Your grades also appear on the global and course grades pages.

More on accessing grades