You can run reports from the system or course tools if you have the correct permissions for the report.

Launch the reports screen

From the System Tools menu

  1. Select Tools from the navigation menu.
  2. Select My Reports-v2 to launch the reports screen.
  3. Select the name of the report you want to run. (You will only see reports that you have the correct permissions to run.) The run report window launches in a new tab.

From the Course Tools menu

  1. Select the course in which you want to run the report.
  2. Select the View course & institution tools link and choose My Reports-v2 to launch the reports screen.
  3. Select the name of the report you want to run. (You will only see reports that you have the correct permissions to run.) The run report window launches in a new tab.

Run Reports

  1. In the Report Parameters section, fill in the appropriate fields for the report you want to run. These fields determine which records will be pulled for the report.
  2. In the Output section, choose the type of output you want to create your report in from the Output Selection menu. (Choose Display to show a report on your screen that you can print.)
  3. Optionally, choose a set of previously saved parameters to use to run the report from the Load Saved Parameters menu.
  4. Select Run Report.

Save Report Parameters

You can save your report parameters if you frequently run a report with the same parameters or want to share a set of report parameters with others.

  1. Fill out the appropriate fields for the report you want to run.
  2. Select Save Parameters.
  3. Give your saved set of parameters a Name.
  4. Enter an optional Description.
  5. Select the Shared checkbox if you want to share the saved parameter set.
  6. Select Save Parameters.

Now, when you are on the Run Report screen, you can select the saved parameters from the Load Saved Parameters menu to run your report.