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Release Notes
Illuminate-Veröffentlichung vom September 2024
Kontinuierliche Bereitstellung | Freigabe zur Produktion am 5. September 2024
Entwickler, Sicherheit
IP-Adresseinschränkung für Snowflake Servicekonten aktiviert
Abdeckungsbereich: Illuminate enthaltene und erweitertes Berichtmodul
Betroffene Benutzer: Benutzer mit Entwicklerrolle in Illuminate und BBDATA_USER_ROLE in Snowflake
Verwandte Themen: IP-Adresseinschränkung für Snowflake Servicekonten
Wir engagieren uns für die Datensicherheit für alle unsere Kunden. Jetzt können Institutionen den Zugriff auf Snowflake Servicekonten auf bestimmte IP-Adressen einschränken. Dadurch wird das Risiko eines unbefugten Zugriffs auf sensible Daten reduziert.
Mit einer eingeschränkten IP-Adresse können Benutzer nicht auf ein Snowflake Servicekonto zugreifen oder das Kennwort eines Snowflake Servicekontos ändern.
Servicekonten sind Konten, die sich mit einem Benutzernamen und Kennwort bei Snowflake anmelden.
Bild 1. Servicekonto auf der Snowflake Anmeldeseite.
Sie können eine bestimmte IP-Adresse oder einen IP-Adressbereich zulassen oder einschränken.
Diese Beispielabfrage lässt eine bestimmte IP-Adresse ( zu und schränkt einen Bereich von IP-Adressen von ( bis für ein Servicekonto mit dem Namen SVC_BLACKBOARD_DATA ein.
Bild 2: Abfrage in Snowflake, um eine bestimmte IP-Adresse zuzulassen und einen IP-Adressbereich einzuschränken.
Weitere Beispiele für die Einschränkung von IP-Adressen finden Sie auf der Hilfeseite zur Einschränkung von IP-Adressen.
Illuminate Developer Canonical Data Model changes
Continuous Delivery | Release to Production 24 July 2024
Developer, CDM Changes, Data Dictionary
Date (YYYY-MM-DD) | Status | Entry | Source | Description |
2024-06-21 | Added | CDM_CRM | Anthology Reach | A new canonical sub-model for CRM data, to be populated with data from Anthology Reach CRM in a later release. |
Blackboard Data Developer Canonical Data Model changes
Continuous Delivery | Release to Production 24 July 2024
Developer, CDM Changes, Data Dictionary
Date (YYYY-MM-DD) | Status | Entry | Source | Description |
2024-06-21 | Added | CDM_CRM | Anthology Reach | A new canonical sub-model for CRM data, to be populated with data from Anthology Reach CRM in a later release. |
Illuminate Developer Canonical Data Model changes
Continuous Delivery | Release to Production 30 April 2024
Developer, CDM Changes, Data Dictionary
Date (YYYY-MM-DD) | Status | Entry | Source | Description |
2024-04-17 | Added | CDM_LMS-COURSE_ITEM-AI_STATUS | LEARN. AI_STATE | A new column in the CDM_LMS-COURSE_ITEM table with an indicator that defines the AI Design Assistant use. The PERSON_ID field needs to be populated with the ID of the user who accepted the AI-generated content |
Illuminate Developer Canonical Data Model changes
Continuous Delivery | Release to Production 26 March 2024
Developer, CDM Changes, Data Dictionary
Date (YYYY-MM-DD) | Status | Entry | Source | Description |
2024-02-27 | Changed | CDM_LMS.GRADE | LEARN.GRADE | The logic was updated, ensuring that all calculated grades are now available in the Canonical Data Model. |
Illuminate Developer Canonical Data Model changes
Continuous Delivery | Release to Production 24 January 2024
Developer, CDM Changes, Data Dictionary
Date (YYYY-MM-DD) | Status | Entry | Source | Description |
2024-01-19 | Added | CDM_LMS-PERSON-JOB_TITLE | LEARN.USERS.JOB_TITLE | A new column in the CDM_LMS_PERSON table with the job of the person was added. |
2024-01-19 | Added | CDM_LMS-PERSON-DEPARTMENT | LEARN.USERS.DEPARTMENT | A new column in the CDM_LMS_PERSON table with the department the person is part of was added. |
2024-01-19 | Added | CDM_LMS-PERSON-COMPANY | LEARN.USERS.COMPANY | A new column in the CDM_LMS_PERSON table with the company the person is part of was added. |
2023-12-21 | Added | DATA_SRC_BATCHUID | DATA_SOURCE | A new element to the stage attribute of the PERSON and COURSE tables was added to include the BATCH_UID from the DATA_SOURCE table. |
Illuminate Developer Canonical Data Model changes
Continuous Delivery | Release to Production 15 November 2023
Developer, CDM Changes, Data Dictionary
Date (YYYY-MM-DD) | Status | Entry | Source | Description |
2023-10-25 |
A new table that displays information about attempts on course items, such as assignments, blogs, or wikis. |
2023-10-25 |
Changed |
Updated with calculations from LEARN.ATTEMPT table. |
Blackboard Data Developer Canonical Data Model changes
Continuous Delivery | Release to Production 6 June 2023
Developer, CDM Changes, Data Dictionary
Date (YYYY-MM-DD) | Status | Entry | Source | Description |
2023-06-07 |
Added | CDM_SIS |
Anthology Student |
A new canonical sub-model for SIS data, to be populated with data from Anthology Student SIS. |
2023-06-07 |
Changed |
Anthology Student, |
Additional tables and columns in the CDM_MAP schema to map people and course sections between Learn and Anthology Student. |
2023-06-07 |
Added |
A new table that displays students’ progress against course content items where progress tracking is enabled in Ultra courses. |
Blackboard Data Developer Canonical Data Model changes
Continuous Delivery | Release to Production 24 May 2023
Developer, CDM Changes, Data Dictionary
Date (YYYY-MM-DD) | Status | Entry | Source | Description |
2023-05-17 |
Modify the DYNAMIC_DATE calculated field to reflect the real course start date when filtering by Course Start Date. The Course Start Date column was added to the datasets where it was missing. |
2023-03-08 |
Changed |
Add the following logic to the filtering views and tables:
Blackboard Data Developer Canonical Data Model changes
Continuous Delivery | Release to Production 08 March 2023
Developer, CDM Changes, Data Dictionary
Date (YYYY-MM-DD) | Status | Entry | Source | Description |
2023-03-08 |
Added | Institution Hierarchy Permission CDM_LMS. INSTITUTION_HIERARCHY_PERMISSION |
A new table that maps users in the PERSON table to Institution Hierarchy nodes based on a “node admin” relationship. This will be used in Reporting for future “Role Based Access” functionality. |
2023-03-08 |
Changed |
Stage |
Adding an attribute to the STAGE column to indicate the specific LTI tool used for a Basic LTI Link item, where this tool is identified in the BLTI_DOMAIN_CONFIG table. |
Blackboard Data Developer Canonical Data Model changes
Continuous Delivery | Release to Production 31 January 2023
Developer, CDM Changes, Data Dictionary
Date (YYYY-MM-DD) | Status | Entry | Source | Description |
2023-01-31 |
Identifies from which course(s) content has been copied into the course. |
Blackboard Data Developer Canonical Data Model changes
Continuous Delivery | Release to Production 17 January 2023
Developer, CDM Changes, Data Dictionary
Date (YYYY-MM-DD) | Status | Entry | Source | Description |
2023-01-17 | Added | Parent Course Item Id CDM_LMS.COURSE_ITEM.PARENT_COURSE_ITEM_ID |
Foreign key that references itself in this table to identify the parent item that the current item sits within. |
2023-01-17 | Added | Content Position CDM_LMS.COURSE_ITEM.CONTENT_POSITIO |
The position of a content item on the page or within its parent item, with 0 being the highest. |
Blackboard Data Developer Canonical Data Model changes
Continuous Delivery | Release to Production 01 December 2022
Developer, CDM Changes, Data Dictionary
Date (YYYY-MM-DD) | Status | Entry | Source | Description |
2022-12-01 | Added | Grades Released Ind CDM_ LMS. GRADEBOOK. VISIBLE_ IND |
Indicates if a grade was released from a LTI item to the gradebook. If TRUE then grades are available, but VISIBLE_IND defines whether the grades are visible to students. |
2022-12-01 | Changed | Visible Ind CDM_ LMS. GRADEBOOK. VISIBLE_ IND |
This indicator will now consider the VISIBLE_IN_BOOK_IND column to truly represent the visibility of grades to students. Indicates whether the gradable item is released and visible or not for students and instructors in the Gradebook. If the value is FALSE, the column is hidden from students and may also be hidden from instructors. (Original Course View only) |
Blackboard Data Developer Canonical Data Model changes
Continuous Delivery | Release to Production 14 September 2022
Developer, CDM Changes, Data Dictionary
Date (YYYY-MM-DD) | Status | Entry | Source | Description |
2022-09-14 | Added | Primary Instructor Ind CDM_LMS.PERSON_COURSE.PRIMARY_INSTRUCTOR_IND |
If TRUE then this user is the main instructor for the course. If FALSE then this user is not the primary instructor for the course. |
Blackboard Data Developer July 2022 Canonical Data Model changes
Continuous Delivery | Release to Production 27 July 2022
Developer, CDM Changes, Data Dictionary
Date (YYYY-MM-DD) | Status | Entry | Source | Description |
2022-07-27 | Added | End Time CDM_LMS.COURSE.END_TIME |
The date and time a course stops being available for students in the LMS. |
2022-07-27 | Added | End Time CDM_LMS.TERM.END_TIME |
The date and time a term ends in the LMS. |
2022-07-27 | Added | Start Time CDM_LMS.COURSE.START_TIME |
The date and time a course starts to be available for students in the LMS. |
2022-07-27 | Added | Start Time CDM_LMS.TERM.START_TIME |
The date and time a term begins in the LMS. |
Blackboard Data Developer May 2022 Canonical Data Model changes
Continuous Delivery | Release to Production 31 May 2022
Developer, CDM Changes, Data Dictionary
Date (YYYY-MM-DD) | Status | Entry | Source | Description |
2022-05-31 | Added | Due Date Exception CDM_LMS.PERSON_COURSE.DUE_DATE_EXCEPTION |
Blackboard Learn Ultra user due date exception. Null: no due date exception, <=0: unlimited due date exception, >0: limited due date exception with a specified duration in seconds. |
2022-05-31 | Added | Enrollment Time CDM_LMS.PERSON_COURSE.ENROLLMENT_TIME |
Date and time of course enrollment. |
2022-05-31 | Added | Time Limit Exception CDM_LMS.PERSON_COURSE.TIME_LIMIT_EXCEPTION |
Blackboard Learn Ultra user time limit exception. NULL: no set time limit exception, 0: time limit exception set to unlimited time limit, 150: time limit exception set to 1.5 times time limit, 200: time limit exception set to 2 times time limit. |
Blackboard Data March 2022 Release
Continuous Delivery | Release to Production 15 March 2022
Blackboard Data, Reporting, Developer, Updated Features, New Features
- The Blackboard Data user interface found at has been updated to provide a better experience for first-time users, including introductory information about Blackboard Data and an explanation of the new reports now available.
- A new Blackboard Data Developer area contains the existing Settings page for management of the Service account, as well as a convenient link to your Snowflake instance.
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