إذا كنت عميل "استضافة مُدارة"، فهذا الموضوع لا ينطبق عليك.
Blackboard Learn includes a set of basic system administration tools that must be run from the command line. These tools are located in the blackboard_home/tools/admin directory. Blackboard Learn also includes a set of system administration tools for content management that must be run from the command line. These commands are located in the blackboard/apps/bbcms/bin directory.
On Windows, these tools are .bat files; on UNIX Operating Systems they are .sh files. An error will appear if a command is not successful. If nothing is reported the command processed successfully.
Trying to execute a utility by opening the .bat file in the Windows GUI will return errors and possibly cause the system to stop functioning.
Command line tools
AuthenticationOneTimeLogin | DetectOrphanedHierarchyAssociations | PushConfigUpdates |
B2Manager | DiskCleanup | RegisterPseudoLocales |
BatchCourseCopy | GenerateEmbeddedInfo | RotateLogs |
BatchCreateInstitutionRoles | LMSImport | ServiceController |
BuildCollabLocaleJar | LMSMoveCourse | ServerGroupManager |
BundleDiff | LMSMoveUser | SystemInfo |
ChangeDefaultVirtualInstallation | MergeDocstores | ThemeDiff |
ChangeToRemoteVirtualInstallation | ProductionInstaller | VirtualInstallation |
ConnectInitialSync | PurgeAccumulator | XythosDiagnosticsTool |
backup_course_files | create-user-directory | update-course-permission |
copy-course-files-to-cs | file-import | updatecspathtoxythosid |
course-access-control | MoveCourseContent | update-locale |
course-role-access-control | register-linked-resources | user-access-control |
create-all-user-directories | repair-copied-files | |
create-course-directory | set-directory-quota | |
create-directory | update-all-course-hd-permission | |
create-resource-links | update-course-directory |
Restricted characters in directory names
When creating directories, do not insert the following characters into the directories for users, folders, or files:
\ / : * ? " < > |
Otherwise, these command lines cannot be executed.
Using spaces in directory names
If a source path or destination path includes spaces when using a command line tool, you must use quotes to enclose the entire path. The following are some examples:
file-import C:\Folder1 /users/Biology/Week1
file-import "C:\Folder 1" /users/Biology/Week1
file-import C:\Folder1 "/users/Biology/Week 1"
file-import "C:\Folder 1" "/users/Biology/Week 1"