Blackboard provides public access to a suite of REST APIs which allow developers to create custom applications that access Blackboard Learn.

To learn more about our integration partners, visit the Anthology App Catalog.


Using REST APIs allows a developer to create applications that are only loosely coupled to the Blackboard Learn server. They can live anywhere. They let the server serve information without risking possible interference with the server.

Security with REST APIs

REST APIs can operate under a variety of security models. Blackboard REST API authorization uses the industry standard OAuth 2.0. It enables making requests based on privileges defined by the Blackboard Learn administrator. Additionally, applications can use a three-legged variation of the protocol. This approach authenticates applications as specific Blackboard Learn users without sharing users' credentials. Users log in to allow the application to act on their behalf. The application then gains only the level of access enjoyed by that user.

As a best practice, grant integration users the minimum privileges necessary to use the integrated tool -- not full System Administrator permissions.

What can you do with REST APIs?

You can request access to the Blackboard REST APIs through the Developer Portal. Once you register your application, we'll generate a unique key and secret so you can make calls and get the data you need to integrate your application with our platform. REST-based applications can access, for example:

  • announcements
  • courses
  • content
  • attachments
  • assignments
  • grades

For a complete list of REST endpoints available to developers, see the Learn API documentation.

Learn more about The Blackboard REST API Framework

Learn more about the first steps with Learn REST API

Register a REST Integration in Blackboard Learn

Blackboard Learn supports the integration of external applications built using Blackboard Learn REST APIs. Before you can use an integration with Blackboard Learn, an administrator must register it with Blackboard Learn.

Before you begin to register the application, you must obtain an application ID. The developer may provide the ID directly to the administrator or bundle it with the support documentation for the application.

  1. From the Administrator panel, under Integrations, select REST API integrations.
  2. Select Create integration.
  3. In Application ID, enter the application ID provided by registering an application on Anthology's Developer Portal.
  4. Next to Learn User, select Browse. Search for the Blackboard user that the integration should act as. Typically, an integration acts as Administrator or some other user created for integration management. Ideally, the user has only the permissions that the integration needs to function properly.
  5. For third-party integration, set End User Access to Yes. End users will sign in with their own Blackboard Learn ID to use the integration. Each user's access is then limited to his or her own permissions. If you set End User Access to No, the integration always has access as if it were the Blackboard Learn user indicated on the form.
  6. Select Submit to save your settings.