Blackboard Data Reporting April 2022 Release
The April 2022 release of Blackboard Data Reporting includes one new report and improvements to an existing report.
A new Grade Boundary report has been added in Learning > Student Performance and Grades that shows the proportion of enrollments below or above a given grade percentage. This report follows our standard report design and so includes advanced filtering, Institutional Hierarchy node comparison, and course-level detail.
The Course Access tab, in Learning > Student Engagement, has been updated with the following enhancements:
Improved, multi-stage Institutional Hierarchy filtering.
Filters to include or exclude enrollments that are not “available” in courses or with no activity after a given number of days.
“Active students” are now defined as having at least 1 course access and at least 5 minutes of activity.
An additional donut chart is included that differentiates active students between “recently active” (active in the last week) and “previously active” (active, but not in the last week)
A new chart is included that shows the distribution of students based on how recently they have accessed their courses.
A new chart compares the activity of students in courses associated with different Institutional Hierarchy nodes.
A new table lists courses and summarizes the engagement of enrolled students
We would like to hear your feedback on this report, or any other reports, via this feedback form. Note that targeted feedback is requested via the “What’s New” pane, and you can submit, comment upon, and vote for new features in the Feature Requests tab of “What’s New”.