Easy navigation
After logging in, you have access to core features in the Base Navigation menu. This menu remains even when you are in a course.
When you select any link from Base Navigation, you can access all your courses. For example, Grades has all your grading tasks organized by course. No need to navigate to each course to access what's ready for grading.
Base Navigation menu items include:
Institution Page: Find information about your institution.
Profile: Select your name in the list and make changes to your online persona.
Activity Stream: Access up-to-the-minute action for all of your courses.
Courses: Navigate to past, present, and future courses and filter to access the courses you want on the page.
Organizations: Access the organizations that you lead or are a member of.
Calendar: Access course events and due dates for all your courses.
Messages: Access and send messages in all of your Ultra courses.
Grades: Access what needs grading across all your courses.
Tools: Access global functions that are outside of your courses, such as portfolios or the Content Collection.