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Groups Groups

Groups can be created manually or generated randomly. They can be created in three different places within a course and can be used for any of the following purposes:

- Course Groups: Created in the Details & Actions area, these groups allow you to send Messages to a subset of students. They can be used for Discussions and Assignments and can be used to filter the Gradebook.

- Discussion Groups: Created in the settings for a Discussion, these groups allow you to limit students to viewing and interacting in discussion only within their group. They can be used for Assignments but not for filtering the Gradebook.

- Assignment Groups: Created in the settings for an Assignment, these groups allow students to make a single Assignment submission on behalf of their group and assigns the same grade to each member of the group (which you can override individually if necessary). With Course Conversations enabled on a group assignment, students can have asynchronous conversations or launch a Blackboard Collaborate session to work together on the assignment. You can use Assignment Groups for Discussions but not for filtering the Gradebook.

Students can't see the other members in a Course Group; they can only see the members of their discussion or assignment groups. Enhancements to groups to support collaboration are planned.

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