Introduce yourself

Use the About Teacher app to introduce yourself to your students and their parents, and share your educational background, philosophies, and teaching style. You can also include contact information, office hours or plan time, and any other information that helps your students and their parents get to know you!


Add About Teacher app

Drag the Teacher app onto your page.

Items marked with a red asterisk are required

  1. Add your information in the About Me tab, including your Name and Biography.
  2. Select Browse to add your photo.
  3. Select Details to provide your Email, Phone number, and any Degrees or Certificates.
  4. Select Activate on my page to display the information on your page.
  5. Select Save.

Your email address is obfuscated to protect you from spam by email bots.

Upload a profile picture

Navigate to the app settings.

  1. Use Select File to choose your picture image.
  2. Select your image and select Open.
  3. Select Save.

Set additional options

  1. Select Options.
  2. Type the App Name to use as the title.
  3. Type the Description, and select Show the app name on my page.
  4. Choose the Display Settings for the number of posts to list. Select Display all active app records or Display a specific number of active app records and set the Record Limit.