Review the account details for different types of users.
The Accounts Reports are listed on the Reports tab. Only the reports available to your district or school will be displayed.
Logins Report
This report shows useful information regarding login counts and how the system is being used. Only school administrators and district administrators have access to this report.
- From the Blackboard Communications HQ interface menu, select Reports > Logins report.
- Set your report criteria:
- Select the School to track a specific school's logins.
- Select the user Role, to track a specific type of user's logins, such as Parents.
- Select the specific Date Range to track the user logins during a specific time frame.
- Select Generate Report.
The report will display the total number of users with the selected account role, the number that logged in during the time frame, and the total number of sessions those users had during the time frame.
Parent Report
The Parent Report provides you with the chance to better improve how the district or school communicates with parents specifically. Look at this report to better clarify how to best communicate with parents and how to fix any information that is incorrect.
- Select Reports > Parent Report.
- Set your report criteria:
- Select the School to track a specific school's user changes.
- Select the specific Date Range to track the user changes during a specific time frame.
- Select the types of Delivery Addresses to track - Phone, Text/SMS, Address, and Email.
You can track users With the addresses or Without for missing information.
- Select the type of Usage connected with the user, such as Logged In and Configured.
You can track the users that have (Yes) or have not (No) logged in or been configured.
- Select which information to Sort By when displaying results, and how many results to Display per page.
- Select Generate Report.
The report will display the user name, role, phone number, text/SMS information, street address, email address, login status, configuration status, and the date and time the information was last modified.
School & Org Report
The School report displays how many accounts are listed for a specific school. Only district administrators will be able to view the information for all schools.
You can schedule this report on a regular basis!
- Select Reports > School & Org report.
- Set your report criteria:
- Select the School & Org to track a specific school or district.
- Select the user Role, to track a specific type of user's changes, such as Parents.
- Select Generate Report.
The report will display the school name, and the number of users for each role - Administrators, Staff Members, Teachers, Parents, Students, and Other.
Staff Report
The Staff report can help you improve how to communicate with staff and to correct any issues with staff member accounts.
- Select Reports > Staff Report.
- Set your report criteria:
- Select the School to track a specific school's user changes.
- Select the user Role, to track a specific type of user's changes, such as Principal.
- Select the specific Date Range to track the user changes during a specific time frame.
- Type a specific Name of a user to track that specific person.
- Select the types of Delivery Addresses to track - Phone, Text/SMS, Address, and Email.
You can track users With the addresses or Without for missing information.
- Select the type of Usage connected with the user, such as Password Generated, Logged In, Configured, and Teacher Training.
You can track the users that have (Yes) or have not (No) completed the specific usage.
- Select which information to Sort By when displaying results, and how many results to Display per page.
- Select Generate Report.
The report will display the user name, role, school, phone number, text/SMS number, street address, email address, usage stats, and the date and time the user record was last updated.
Select any users from this report to send them a message.
Enable/Disable limited use for emails
For each user account, you can select Limited use to set the user to a limited number of email respondents, so the user cannot send out a mass message. You can remove this limitation or set the limitation for all users at once.
- From the Staff report, click Select All.
- Select Disable Limited Use to allow staff members to send mass email messages. To set the limitation again, select Enable Limited Use.
Student Report
The Student report helps you improve communication with students and their parents, and to fix any account information that incorrect.
- Select Reports > Student Report.
- Set your report criteria:
- Select the School to track a specific school's user changes.
- Select the specific Date Range to track the user changes during a specific time frame.
- Type a specific Name of a user to track that specific person.
- Select the types of Delivery Addresses to track - Phone, Text/SMS, Address, and Email.
You can track users With the addresses or Without for missing information.
- Select the type of Usage connected with the user, such Logged In.
You can track the users that have (Yes) or have not (No) logged in.
- Select which information to Sort By when displaying results, and how many results to Display per page.
- Select Generate Report.
This report displays the student name, grade level, school, parents, phone number, text/SMS number, street address, email address, login usage, and the date and time their information was last updated.
Select any users from this report to send them a message.
Teacher Class Report
The Teacher Class report displays the students in a class with grade and attendance data. This report is only available to staff members, principals, and school administrators with access - not teachers.
- Select Reports > Teacher Class Report.
- Set your report criteria:
- Select the School to track a specific school's grades and attendance.
- Select the Teacher to track a specific teacher's grades and attendance information.
- Select the Section to track a specific class's grades and attendance information.
- Select which information to Sort By when displaying results, and how many results to Display per page.
- Select Generate Report.
This report displays the student name, letter grade, and grade percentage.
Select the name, letter grade, or grade percentage to access a specific student's account information.