إذا كنت عميل "استضافة مُدارة"، فهذا الموضوع لا ينطبق عليك.
Some Institutions require an outbound proxy server to comply with government regulations or Institution practices. Blackboard Learn allows the use of an outbound proxy server to secure communications. In particular, the proxy server works with RSS feeds incorporated into community modules.
Configure the proxy server for UNIX
Follow these steps to configure Blackboard Learn to use an outbound proxy server.
- Install the proxy server according to the Institution standards.
- Open the /blackboard_home/config/bb-config.properties file.
- Add the domain name or IP address of the proxy server to the bbconfig.appserver.outboundproxy.url property.
- Save the file.
- Run PushConfigUpdates to activate the changes.
Configure the proxy server for Windows
Follow these steps to configure Blackboard Learn to use an outbound proxy server.
- Install the proxy server according to the Institution standards.
- Open the C:\blackboard_home\config\bb-config.properties file. To learn more, see bb-config.properties File.
- Add the domain name or IP address of the proxy server to the bbconfig.appserver.outboundproxy.url property.
- Save the file.
- Run PushConfigUpdates to activate the changes.