Additional image insertion and generate options – 3900.80
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors, Students
Images enhance comprehension of and engagement with course content. Instructors and students want to use high-quality images in content and submissions. To help, we have added a new image button in the content editor in the following places:
- Announcements
- Assessment Questions
- Student answers on questions (local file upload only)
- Submission feedback (standard view)
- Journal entries and comments
Image 1. Instructor view - image button on content editor for Announcements
We also added the option for instructors to generate images in journal prompts and assessment questions.
To learn more about working with images, please visit the “Work with Text" page.
For administrators: The "Stock images from Unsplash" and "Generate images" options only appear for instructors when each tool is on. Select Building Blocks from the Administrator Panel, then select Installed Tools. Locate "AI Design Assistant and Unsplash" and select Settings from the drop-down. The default state is off. You must also activate privileges. Assign the following privileges for the appropriate Course Roles (e.g., Instructor):
- Search for images using Unsplash
- Use AI features