You can use curl to process feed files from the command line. This is an effective way to manually run feed files or test your integration to make sure it is working before setting up your live integration with the Student Integration System (SIS).
Download curl
Follow these steps to download curl.
- Go to download a binary curl distribution appropriate for your system. Make sure you select the download that supports SSL.
- Extract the download to a folder on your computer.
- Add the folder to your PATH environment variable so that you can call curl from anywhere.
Prepare your feed files
Create the Snapshot feed files that you want to test with and place them in a folder somewhere on your computer.
Create a flat file integration
Create a flat file integration using the following steps.
- Log on to the server you want to test as an administrator.
- On the Administrator Panel, under Integrations, select Data Integration.
- Select Student Information System Integrations.
- Open the integration's menu, select Create Integration, and then select Snapshot Flat File.
- Provide the required information and configure the integration according to your testing needs. Make sure to note the Shared Username and Shared Password.
POST the feed files to the endpoint on the server you want to test using curl
The endpoint changes depending on what type of object is in the feed file and whether it's a persist or delete.
You can see a list of the endpoints on the server on the Http Information page for your flat file integration (Administrator Panel > Data Integration > Student Information System Integrations > Your integration's context menu > Http Information).
curl -k -w %{http_code} -H "Content-Type:text/plain"
This will POST the file to the server.
The output will be 200, in which case it was successfully posted, or you will see an error message and the HTTP error code (such as 403, 500, and so on).
- Open a command prompt and go to the folder that has your test files in it.
- Run the following command:
- Replace SHARED_USERNAME with the shared user name. For example, 11492d41-b04b-4172-a945-5d012bea1bea.
- Replace SHARED_PASSWORD with the shared password. For example, password.
- Replace PATH_TO_TEST_FILE with the path the XML feed file you want to upload. For example, c:\xml\my_test_file.xml.
- Replace ENDPOINT_URL with the endpoint URL.
All integration types accept HTTP POST requests to their respective endpoints except the IMS Learning Information Services (LIS) 2.0. The LIS endpoints are setup to accept SOAP request from a live integration.