Blended Schools Network (BSN) offers award-winning content seamlessly integrated with Blackboard Learn, which teachers can use to enhance their own material or choose to use the entire course to focus on the learning and development of the students.

About the integration

The Blackboard Partner Cloud integration with Blended Schools Network provides Blackboard Learn teachers the ability to deploy links to and access Blended School Network course content and lessons. After a teacher has deployed the BSN content links to a Blackboard Learn course, students will have the ability to access both course-level or lesson-level links based on how the teacher deployed them within their course.

Features and benefits

  • BSN content, which is built and managed in the SoftChalk Cloud, is made available for Bb teachers to add to a Blackboard Learn course.
  • Auto-provisioning: Once a district is provided with credentials to get the integration set up on their Blackboard Learn instance, there is no need for additional accounts for teachers and students.
  • Teachers can search for content by subject and grade level, and have the ability to save a profile to filter search results specific to his/her subject area and grade level.
  • Teachers arrange BSN content links as they see fit and maintain control over how they deliver BSN content and assessments to students.
  • Automated Grade Refresh ensures all BSN grades for the chosen lessons sync in the Blackboard Learn Grade Center, saving instructors' time.
  • Compliance with student data privacy laws, such as the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), ensures sensitive student information remains protected and secure.
  • Instructor Tools provide faculty with one location within their Bb Course to view the Course Roster, run an automatic Grade Refresh, run a diagnostics tool, launch the BSN support page, and learn more about BSN should they be new.

Activation and set up

After confirming that the institution's Blackboard Learn instance is connected to the Blackboard Cloud and that the Partner Cloud Building Block is made available, administrators can then easily configure the BSN Partner Cloud integration from the Partner Cloud Settings page.

You and your users have control over the private information shared with partners by Blackboard Learn. Administrators can select to automatically always share or never share a user's first name, last name, and email address with each partner each time a user accesses a partner system from a link within Blackboard Learn. If you choose the User Choice option, then each user is prompted to share their personal information when they first launch to a partner from a link within Blackboard Learn. This control protects the privacy of the student information as per the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).