Currently, this page is only available in English. It will be soon adapted to all the languages supported by Collaborate.


The Session Engagement Insights Panel is a tool companion for moderators that shows with data how the audience is engaging while the session is occurring; opening the space to think on actions that may help keep or improve the energy of a session. Currently, moderators can see the most representative attendees’ interactions at a glance, like the number of hands raised and the number of chat messages sent.

The Session Engagement Insights panel is only visible to moderators. Data automatically refreshes every 15 seconds.

Session Engagement Insights help you understand and answer:

  • What’s the total count of hands raised during the session?
  • What proportion of attendees has raised their hands during the session?
  • What’s the total count of sent chat messages during the session?
  • What proportion of attendees sent chat messages during the session?

Drive student engagement with Session Engagement Insights

  1. Get a glance at your session engagement distribution: the proportion of attendees that raise their hands throughout the session gives you a qualitative perspective on how widespread your session engagement is. If you get to 100% it means that every attendee currently in the room has at some point participated by raising their hand.
  2. Keep track of your sessions’ engagement performance: take note at the end of each session of your Session Engagement Insights and see if you can improve engagement in the next session.
  3. Use the Session Engagement Insights Panel to help you understand how live adjustments to your session can impact engagement. Learn what works better to engage with your attendees.


Access Session Engagement Insights

By default, the Session Engagement Insights panel is open when you join a session.

Close the Session Engagement Insights panel:

  1. Select the Close Session Engagement Insights Panel icon on the bottom left corner.


Open the Session Engagement Insights panel:

  1. Select the Open Session Engagement Insights Panel on the bottom left corner.

Hands Raised

During the session, attendees raise their hands to participate in the ongoing discussion. The Hands Raised section in the Session Engagement Insights panel shows moderators:

  • The total count of hands raised by attendees throughout the session.
  • The proportion or percentage of attendees that raise their hands throughout the session.


  • The Hands Raised section includes:
    • All roles that have attended the session. This means moderators are included.
    • Interactions in the main room and breakout rooms.
  • The proportion of attendees is based on the current number of attendees in the session. If an attendee leaves the session:
    • The times the attendee raised hands remain in the total count of hands raised.
    • The attendee is no longer counted as part of the proportion of attendees that raised hands throughout the session.

Interpret the data

This example of the Hands Raised section within the Session Engagement Insights panel shows us that:

  • 2 hands have been raised throughout the session.
  • 22% of current session attendees have raised their hands.


Chat Messages

During the session, attendees can interact through chat messages. The Chat Messages section in the Session Engagement Insights panel shows moderators:

  • The total count of chat messages sent by attendees throughout the session.
  • The proportion or percentage of attendees that have sent chat messages throughout the session.


  • The Chat Messages section includes:
    • All roles that have attended the session. This means moderators are included.
    • Interactions in the main room, breakout rooms, and all chat channels.
  • The proportion of attendees is based on the current number of attendees in the session. If an attendee leaves the session:
    • The times the attendee raised hands remain in the total count of hands raised.
    • The attendee is no longer counted as part of the proportion of attendees that raised hands throughout the session.

Interpret the data

This example of the Chat Messages section within the Session Engagement Insights panel shows us that:

  • 1 chat message has been sent throughout the session.
  • 11% of current session attendees have sent chat messages.

Data States

The data states show the condition in which the data is in at a specific time. The data states in Session Engagement Insights are:

  • Loading data: data is being processed and will show in a few seconds.
  • Initial data: preset initial count value set at zero. This value represents the state before any hands are raised or chat messages are sent.
  • No data yet: establishing a connection with data server or no data to be loaded.
  • No data available: error loading data.

Engagement Tips


As part of the Session Engagement Insights panel, you are presented with different tips on how to foster engagement throughout sessions in each session. Try them out, while in session, and understand the impact each tip has on your Session Engagement Insights.