Breakout groups integration with Blackboard Learn groups

Continuous Delivery Collaborate Ultra 21.16 | Release to Production: 9-13 September 2021
New features, Blackboard Learn integration

Groups created in your Blackboard Learn course are now available in your course Collaborate sessions for breakouts. Instructors can use their existing course groups to create breakout groups in advance and save time. Build on existing student collaboration. With this integration, students can stay in their same group without extra work for the instructor. In the Collaborate session, the instructor can also enjoy some flexibility and adjust groups as needed without impacting the groups in Learn. For example, to balance groups among attendees.

The Collaborate and Blackboard Learn groups integration is available on the SaaS deployment. It applies to both experiences:

  • Original course experience group sets (not standalone groups)
  • Ultra course experience course level groups

The Collaborate and Blackboard Learn groups integration will be released gradually from 9 September to 13 September.