1. As a Schoology administrator, open https://app.schoology.com/apps/profile/4848967623.

    If you use a custom URL, you may need to replace app.schoology.com with your institution's URL.

  2. Select Install LTI App.
  3. Select I Agree and Add to Organization. The Ally Course Accessibility Report app now appears under Organization Apps in the App Center.
  4. Select Configure.
  5. Use one of these URLs for the Custom URL. Replace "[ClientID]" with your Client ID.
    • Institutions hosted in the US data centre: https://prod.ally.ac/api/v1/[ClientId]/lti/instructor
    • Institutions hosted in the Canadian data centre: https://prod-ca-central-1.ally.ac/api/v1/[ClientId]/lti/instructor
    • Institutions hosted in the European data centre: https://prod-eu-central-1.ally.ac/api/v1/[ClientId]/lti/instructor
    • Institutions hosted in the Singapore data centre: https://prod-ap-southeast-1.ally.ac/api/v1/[ClientId]/lti/instructor
    • Institutions hosted in the Australian data centre: https://prod-ap-southeast-2.ally.ac/api/v1/[ClientId]/lti/instructor
  6. Enter your Consumer Key and Shared Secret.
  7. In Custom Parameters enter the follow code. Replace "[ClientID]" at the end with your Client ID.
  8. Select Save settings. Ally's Course Accessibility report will now appear on the left navigation menu in your courses.