Use passports to group administrative privileges into sets you can assign to users. Every user with a passport has all of the privileges included in that passport.

Plan your passport assignments well. Users get only one passport at a time. Make sure you don't give users more administrative privileges than they need.

By default, each site starts with registered user and site administration passports. You can create custom passports, if you want.

  • Registered Users passport: Registered users can sign into the site and manage their personal accounts. Registered users may or may not have editing privileges. If they have editing privileges, registered users can also manage apps and page layouts. Assign this passport to users like students, parents, teachers, and school web administrators.
  • Site Administrators passport: Site administrators have full administrative rights. Users with this passport can see and manage everything on the site. This includes other users.

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Assign passports to users

Assign passports by individual users or by adding many users at a time.

Assign a passport to a user

  1. From Site Manager, expand USERS & GROUPS.
  2. Select Users.
  3. Find the user you want to edit and select their name.
  4. Select the passport from the Passport menu.
  5. Select Save.

Assign a passport to more than one user

  1. From Site Manager, expand USERS & GROUPS.
  2. Select Passports.
  3. Find the passport and select the name to assign users to it.
  4. Select Users and select Assign User.
  5. Search for the user and select Select.
  6. Select Add and select Save.

Create custom passports

Create custom passports with the specific collection of administrative privileges you want.

  1. From Site Manager, expand USERS & GROUPS.
  2. Select Users.
  3. Select Passport.
  4. Select New Passport.
  5. Type the name and description for the new passport.
  6. Select Save.
  7. Find the passport and select the name to assign administrative privileges to it.
  8. Select Extended Privileges.
  9. Find the privilege you want to assign and select Inactive. Repeat until you activate all the privileges you want in the passport.
  10. Select Save.

Administrative privileges

Site administrators have the full list of administrative privileges. Create custom passports from this list of privileges.

Configuration privileges

  • Manage Apps & Layouts: Gives access to the Manage Apps & Layout Actions Option for editors so that they can change page layouts as well as add and remove apps.
  • Manage Apps: Users with this permission can apply sharing rights to individual System Apps for a user or a group of users—you can restrict who may use each app.
  • Manage Channels: Create and edit channel names for use across all sites.
  • Manage Collections (Calendar Asset): Create and edit collections for use across all sites. You use a collection to post a calendar event to all calendars associated with workspaces you defined for the collection.
  • Manage Event Categories (Calendar Asset): Create and edit event categories for use across calendars on all sites.
  • Manage Page Types (Section Asset): Create and edit page types for use across all sites. Page types consist of one or more apps, and can be included in section configurations.
  • Manage Section Configurations (Section Asset): Create and edit section configurations for use across all sites. Section configurations consist of sets of pages. Use section configurations when creating new sections.
  • Manage Sites: Edit site information by navigating to Configure Sites (Sites Workspace) within the Content Browser. Without this permission, site and subsite directors can still edit their sites using the Settings button found in the site or subsite workspaces of a site or subsite.
  • Manage System Settings: Adjust various system settings (e.g., set maximum image width, display register button).
  • Manage Templates: Create, edit, copy and delete templates.
  • Manage PassKey: Create and work with your PassKeys (if applicable).
  • Manage Universal Connector: Users with this permission create and edit and schedule connector runs (if applicable).

Users & groups privileges

  • Emulate Users: Become one of your users and experience the site as they would. In order for this feature to work, you must also activate the privilege.
  • Manage users in Users & Groups: Manage Group Categories Create and rename categories you use to organize groups.
  • Manage Groups: Create and edit groups you use to classify users. This includes setting viewing and sharing rights or editing privileges for multiple users. Users can members of more than one group.
  • Manage Passports: Create, edit and delete passports.
  • Manage Settings: Change the email address from which new user accounts and password changes originate.
  • Manage Users: Add, edit and delete user accounts. Delete or Restore items in the Recycle bin.

End user privileges

  • Allow users to modify their accounts: Non-LDAP users can update their first name, last name, user name and password.

Content moderation privileges

  • Manage Moderated Groups: This allows you to create and edit moderated groups. Users associated with moderated groups must have their content approved before it displays on the end-user website. When a moderated user saves content, it is held in the Content Moderation Approval Queue awaiting approval.

LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) privileges

  • Allow users to sign in using LDAP: LDAP allows you to keep user information in one central location, allowing single sign-on access. User credentials are shared between your network and Web Community Manager.

    More on using LDAP