Administrators can set the default permissions and quotas for folders created in the Content Collection. For example, when a user enters the Content Collection for the first time, folders matching the Course IDs for the courses the user is enrolled in will automatically be created.
Set default /courses and /organizations folder settings
The default Content Collection quota matches the default quota set for the course when it was created. Changes made from the Content Collection override the default course quota setting. If there should be no quota, type -1. If a quota is changed, only newly created folders will have the new quota size.
- On the Administrator Panel, under Content Management, select Content Area Management.
- Select Default Folder Creation Settings.
- Open the menu for the /courses or /organizations folder.
- Select Edit.
- Select the Default Role Settings. Select the user roles that will have full permissions to access the folders created in this area of their Content Collection. Full permissions include Read/Write/Remove/Manage privileges.
- Set the Default Quota for the folder. Select Unlimited or Limited. If you select Limited, provide a number (in MB) in the text box.
- Select Submit.
Set individual /courses and /organization folder settings
- Go to the Content Collection.
- Select Course Content (or Organization Content) from the Content Collection control panel.
- Open the menu for a course or organization name.
- Select Edit. From this page, you can change specific options for the folder.
- Quota Information: The individual quota limits the size of the contents of the folder. The quota cannot be greater than the quota for the parent folder. If unspecified, the folder will inherit the quota of the parent folder. The contents of each subfolder take away from the quota of the parent folder. Changing the quota here overwrites the default quota set when the course was created.
- Lock Options: If the folder is locked, only the person who locked it may unlock it. Locking the folder locks the name and properties of the folder as well as overwriting and versioning. Locking the folder does not lock the folder contents.
- Comment Options: Tracking records each instance that a user interacts with the folder. Settings on individual items within the folder can be edited. However, if the folder tracking options below are updated, any option changes to individual items or subfolders is overwritten.
- Version Options: Versioning creates a new file each time the file is changed and saved. When versioning is enabled, users have the option of rolling a file back to a previous version. Settings on individual items may be edited. However, if the versioning option for the folder is updated, any option changes made to subfolders or items within the folder will be overwritten.
- Tracking Options: Tracking records each instance that a user interacts with the folder. Settings on individual items within the folder may be edited. However, if the folder tracking options below are updated, any option changes to individual items or subfolders is overwritten.
- Metadata Options: Metadata includes information about the files in this folder. Adding metadata to the files within this folder and all its subfolders overwrites any existing metadata. This setting only applies to existing subfolders and files. Resubmit this page to apply settings when new content is added.
- Select Submit.