To find recordings you have access to, perform a search on the My Recordings page. The search results are displayed in a table, with the recording links in the Format columns.

For information on converting recordings to MP3 or MP4, see Convert Recordings.

The recording files can be played by streaming from the hosted SAS service or downloading for playback when offline. These recordings also can be shared with others by distributing the recording link.

Play the Recording

Click a Play button associated with your recording.

  • To play the full interactive recording that will open up in the Blackboard Collaborate web conferencing interface, click the 
     Play button in the Blackboard Collaborate column.
  • To play a recording that has been converted to MP3 or MP4, click the

    Play button in the Audio (MP3) or Video (MP4) column. The recording will open up in the embedded media player embedded.

There is a limit to the number of MP4 views (including downloads) that are allowed by your institution per year: the default is 10,000 views per year per login group. If this limit is reached, you will be prompted to view the recording in the original, native Blackboard Collaborate format (VCR file).

Download the MP3 or MP4 Recording to Play Later

To download the file to your desktop or Android device to play it later, click the Download button in the embedded media player. (To open the player, see Playing the Recording above.)

To access the file from your iOS device, download the file to your desktop/laptop computer and then use iTunes to copy/sync the file to your iPad or iPhone.

Distribute the Recording Link

The recording link available in the My Recordings page (by copying it from the Play button) is an internal link usable only by the session owner when logged in to the SAS - it can't be used by others to play recordings.

To obtain the recording link for distribution, use one of the methods described in Access Recordings in a Recording Notification Email or Access Recordings on the Utilities Pages.

Anyone can play any recording (except for Private recordings), as long as they have the link - even if the recording is not accessible from their My Recordings page.