Ally 1.20.1 | Release to production 17 October 2018

New Features, Updated Features

Accessibility improvements

As part of a full independent Ally accessibility audit and in anticipation of an updated Ally VPAT, a range of accessibility improvements have been introduced:

  • Screen reader accessibility of the validation messages when providing an alternative description for image has been improved.
  • Screen reader accessibility of the “Translated Version” alternative format option in the alternative formats modal has been improved.
  • Improved initial keyboard focus when opening the alternative formats modal.
  • Improved the contrast ratio for input field placeholder messages.

Ally 1.20.1 Big fixes and improvements

  • Fixed a bug in the institutional report CSV export that caused values to show under the incorrect columns.
  • Fixed a bug that caused printing instructor feedback instruction to result in an empty page in Chrome.
  • Improved handling of content items that are reported by the LMS as being created in the future.