Miscellaneous updates

Blackboard Learn SaaS Continuous Delivery v3200.6.0 | Release to Production 23 June 2017
Ultra Experience, Original Experience

  • Blackboard Learn SaaS is officially certified in the LTI 2.0 standard.
  • Course copy via SIS integration behavior has changed. To maintain server speed and prevent unnecessary database job queues, only two course copy jobs can run concurrently in the cluster.
  • Improvements have been made to notifications regarding late or overdue activity in the Ultra experience. The activity stream exhibited confusing behavior regarding due dates in restored courses, or when due dates had been changed.
  • For auto-graded assessments that have been submitted past the due date, instructors now can overwrite the grade in the grade pill where the grade is automatically calculated.
  • SAML sign on failures now include a unique identifier, allowing administrators to trace what went wrong with a user's specific login attempt.
  • Content visibility settings are preserved when exporting and importing courses using the Ultra Course View.
  • An updated version of the Partner Cloud Building Block (v1.7.2017021340) is bundled with this release.
  • An updated version of the Qwickly Building Block (v.3.7.3) is bundled with this release.
  • Text has been changed in assessments with multiple allowed attempts. When a user opens an assessment that is past due, a message now states: Past due. This attempt will be marked late. This helps to clarify that any additional attempts submitted after the due date will be marked late, but the attempts submitted prior to the due date satisfy the deadline.
  • Text has changed in the Profile area of the Ultra experience. When a user selects their privacy settings,
    • The options for students now include:
      • Only instructors
      • Anyone in my courses
      • Administrators and anyone in my courses
    • Instructors and Administrators see the following options:
      • Administrators and other instructors
      • Anyone in my courses
      • Administrator and anyone in my courses