The Icons – Vertical app displays a series of links or buttons where each includes an icon image with optional icon text. You can choose a custom icon or an icon from the Blackboard icon library as seen in the Template Configuration Window in Web Community Manager. The icons display as a stacked list with each icon aligned left of the text.

Download the Icons - Vertical app

This app is a WCM custom app that must be downloaded to use.

Add the Icons - Vertical app

Drag the Icons-Vertical app onto your page.

Items marked with a red asterisk are required

  1. Use the Library or Custom options for the Icon Image and Select Icon.
  2. Configure your Icon Image Color, Icon Image Dimensions, and if you want to Hide Icon Text.
  3. Type your Icon Text.
  4. Type your Icon URL.
  5. Select if you want to Open Icon Url in a New Window.
  6. Type any Tags for the icon.
  7. Set your Display Duration.
  8. Assign users or groups to view the record.
  9. Select Save.

Select the plus sign on the app to continue to add icons and images or edit the app to rearrange and add new icons.