Versioning was released in a closed beta 2021 and is scheduled for mass release in June 2022.

Keep a track of the changes made to your web community page and the time of change using versioning. 

Versioning saves your changes in up-to 20 versions as you keep editing your page. Edit, preview, and restore any old version from your version history.

You might see changes when someone:

  • Adds an app
  • Edits an app
  • Deletes an app
  • Restores an app

View version history:

  1. Select the More... (three dots) icon, then select View Version History from the menu.
  2. Select any timestamp to see that version of your page. You will see the different changes you made to the apps here along with the timestamp.

Restore version:

You can restore any older version from your version history. You can restore one or many apps from a version to a new version.

  1. Select any version to view the changes.
  2. Select Add to Restore on the apps you want to restore.
  3. Select Restore Apps.
  4. Select Yes.

Restoring a version will save it as a new and recent version in your version history.