Den här sidan innehåller en lista över potentiella problem i Learn Ultra och lösningar som hjälper dig att gå vidare med Learn Ultra, när saker inte fungerar riktigt som förväntat.

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Learn Ultra troubleshooting item
CategoryKeywordsQuestion or issueTroubleshooting suggestion
Interaction with studentsDiscussions
Create discussion
How do I create or edit discussions and posts?

Online discussions provide unique benefits. Because students can take time to think before they post ideas, you may see more thoughtful conversations. You can observe as students demonstrate their grasp of the material and correct misconceptions. You can extend your office hours and reach students more often during the week so that learning is continuous...

Learn more on discussions

Interaction with studentsEmail
Email students
How do I email my class?

The email tool allows you to send email to other people in your course without launching a separate email program, such as Gmail or Outlook. You can send email to individual users or to groups of users...

Learn more on emails

Interaction with studentsAccommodations
Students with special needs
How do I make accommodations for students?

You can set accommodations for individual students. You can exempt students from assessment due dates or time limits. Use accommodations to help students progress in the course even though they may have difficulty with some requirements.

You can also give an individual student an exception on a specific test or assignment. An exception includes additional attempts or extended access, even if the assessment is hidden from other students. An exception overrides the two settings applied to everyone else for only that specific assessment...

Learn more on accommodations

Interaction with studentsAnnouncementsHow do I create announcements for my class?

Announcements are an ideal way to post time-sensitive information critical to course success. Add announcements for these types of course activities:

  • Due dates for assignments and projects
  • Changes to your syllabus
  • Corrections/clarifications of materials
  • Exam schedules

You can add, edit, and delete announcements from the Announcements page. When you add an announcement, you can also send it as an email to students in your course. Students receive the announcement even if they don't log into your course...

Learn more on announcements

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Se en video om basnavigering

I följande video med berättarröst presenteras en del av informationen på den här sidan med ljud och bild. Om du vill ha en detaljerad beskrivning av vad som visas i videon öppnar du videon på YouTube, går till Fler åtgärder och väljer Visa transkription.

Video: Ultra-basnavigeringen visar en introduktion till Ultra-visualisering av kurser.

Videointroduktion till basnavigering