Den här sidan innehåller en lista över potentiella problem i Learn Ultra och lösningar som hjälper dig att gå vidare med Learn Ultra, när saker inte fungerar riktigt som förväntat.
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Category | Keywords | Question or issue | Troubleshooting suggestion |
Course content | Add folder Add module Move folder Move module | Why can't I add a sub-folder to my Course Content? Why can't I move one Content Folder/Module into another Content Folder/Module? | Organize with folders. You can create two levels of folders to organize your content. Students can navigate easier when they don't have to search for materials. Optionally, add folder descriptions to help students understand what content you've included in them. After you already have two levels of folders, you can't create a third level or upload a folder into the second-level folder. |
Course content | Save error Saving new content | Why won't Blackboard save my answers? | This could mean several different things:
Course content | Adaptive Release | How do I use Adaptive Release? | On the Course Content page, you can access the visibility setting for each item and folder in your content list. In the visibility menu, select Conditional availability to open the item's panel... |
Course content | Math Editor | How do I use the Math Editor in Blackboard? | Wherever you can add and format text in your course, you can launch the math editor to create mathematical formulas. The math editor is written by WIRIS and based on standards like MathML for internal representation and the PNG image format for displaying formulas. The math editor is based on Javascript and runs on any browser and operating system, including smartphones and tablets... |
Course content | Create test Edit test | How do I create, edit or deploy a test? | Tests are always available to instructors but anonymously submitted surveys aren't supported at this time. |
Course content | Create banner | How do I create a banner for my course? | As an instructor, you and administrator users can upload an image to be the thumbnail in the Courses page at Base Navigation. It can be also the internal Course Banner inside your Ultra courses... |
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