To associate observers with the students they will observe. The following table outlines the fields included in a record in a Snapshot Observer Association feed.

Observer Association Feed Elements
Element Description
EXTERNAL_OBSERVER_KEY A unique identifier for a user with the System Role of Observer. This ID is provided by the institution and is not displayed to users. String. Max length 64. Multi-byte characters accepted. Not Null, External Key
EXTERNAL_USER_KEY A unique identifier for a user with the Institution Role of Student. This ID is provided by the institution and is not displayed to users. String. Max length 64. Multi-byte characters accepted. Not Null, External Key
OBSERVER_MEMBERSHIP The observer membership.
INERNAL_ID The internal identification for the observer.
INTERNAL_OBSERVER_ID Defines the internal observer identification.
INTERNAL_USER_ID The internal user identification for the observer.
ROW_STATUS The enabled status of the record. Values are enabled or disabled.
NEW_DATA_SOURCE_KEY A data source this record should be associated with.