Anyone who wants to use the SAS requires a user account. Blackboard Collaborate Inc. creates two accounts for you - the Manager account and the Administrator account. Blackboard sends these credentials to the institution's contact via email.& Administrators can create all further accounts (Supervisors, Moderators and Participants).

Role Permissions
Task Manager Administrator Supervisor
Create and manage Administrator accounts
Create and manage Supervisor accounts
Create and manage Moderator accounts
Create and manage Participant accounts

You can have multiple Administrator accounts.

Example: When rolling out Blackboard Collaborate across multiple departments and on an enterprise-wide level, you may wish to have separate Administrator accounts for each department and make each Administrator responsible for creating their own courses and users for their department.

Participant and Moderator accounts are only necessary if you are creating Courses and Drop-ins.

What You Can Do

  • Sort/filter list of existing users
  • Add new users (one at a time or by uploading several at a time from a file)
  • Edit user profile information
  • Grant or restrict user privileges
  • Delete users

Prior to creating new accounts, review the existing user privileges and the time zone setting from the User Defaults button and revise if necessary. Then, when new users are created, they will have the privileges as you defined.

View User Defaults

  1. Login to SAS as Manager.
  2. Select Utilities.
  3. Click Users in the User Management utility.
  4. Perform Sort and select Accept.
  5. Click User Defaults.

When creating new users, you will be asked to provide basic information about the user. All usernames must be unique. You can also set a Display Name for users - this is the name that appears in the web conferencing session. It is recommended that you also set the correct time zone for each user. When the user logs in, their My Schedule page will display the schedule of sessions in their local time zone.

User Upload

User Upload allows Administrators to register multiple Supervisors, Moderators or Participants in a single process. The utility requires users be listed in a comma separated value (CSV) format prior to uploading. The CSV format must be defined first and can be configured to your preference.

  1. Login to SAS.
  2. Select Utilities.
  3. Click Users from the User Management utility.
  4. Perform Sort and select Accept.
  5. Click User Uploads.
  6. Click Edit.
  7. Choose the desired upload fields.

    If you are uploading participants at the Administrator level you must have one supervisor already created. If you are uploading Supervisors or Moderators you must use the User Role field where Supervisor = S, Moderator = M and Participant = P

    Required Fields

    • User Role (Supervisor = S, Moderator = M and Participant = P)
    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • UserName
    • Password
    • Email
    • Address
  8. Click Save.
  9. Click Upload New.
  10. Select your .CSV file.
  11. Click Open.

Users should now automatically be uploaded and you should receive the following message:

All entries in the upload file were processed successfully.

Once the users are uploaded, you may change these privileges/settings and provide additional information about individual users by using the Users Management utility.